
ROM THE HEART OF PETER is a blog devotional series. Although the insights are not absolutes, they present possible thoughts and actions of Peter throughout scripture. Enjoy the journey. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.




Author, Carla McDougal

Based on John 21:18-25

Receiving the bread, I notice His hand... His nail-scared hand. Once again shame rises from the deep. Disappointment lingers. Regret remains. If only... I stop short as our eyes meet. Full of compassion Jesus smiles. But how? Doesn't He remember my failure? My denial? My rejection?

Robed with guilt, I eat the fish. A flashback occurs. The miracle of feeding the five-thousand. A lump forms. I still don't understand how He multiplied the two loaves of bread and five fish. And with leftovers to spare. In the midst of my daydream I hear these words...

Simon, do you love Me more than these?

Meeting eye-to-eye I respond with excitement...

Yes, Lord, You know I love you. 

Jesus says...

Then feed my lambs. 

Simon, do you love Me? 

Again I answer...

Yes, Lord, You know I love you. 

With a hint of firmness Jesus says...

Tend My sheep. 

He repeats the question a third time...

Simon, do you love Me? 

Tears well-up. With a heavy heart and a downcast spirit I respond...

Lord, You know all things; You know I love You. 

In a tender, yet serious tone Jesus says...

Feed My sheep.

Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and walked where you wanted to go; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go. 

Follow Me. 

All of a sudden, the burden of sin releases. Chains of the past break. The result - Restoration.

Adorned with forgiveness, I desire to move forward. Basking in His grace and mercy brings a smile. Until - John, The Beloved Disciple, comes into view. Will he experience a gruesome death too? Without thinking, these words pour out...

But, Lord, what about this man? 

Jesus responds twice with the same statement...

If it's My will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?

My head bows from yet another disappointing choice. Once again my focus shifted from Jesus to others. Just like the time Jesus called me out of the boat to walk on water. All went well until  my eyes shifted from Jesus to my surroundings. Fear set in. But, Jesus' gentle hand whisked me from my demise. Humbleness washes over me. Under my breath I whisper... Thank you, My Lord,  for Your forgiveness.

Raising my head, I focus my attention once again on Jesus. He asks me to follow, I will follow. He commands me to lead, I will lead. He directs me to tend, I will tend. Immediately, purpose fills my heart. Passion ignites my spirit. Not because of anything I have done, but all because of Him.

LIFE CHALLENGE... Are you in need of restoration? Are you carrying the weight of sin? Lighten the load by surrendering to the one who paid the price for your sin - Jesus. Restoration is a heartbeat away. Thank the Lord for His mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness!

Read John 21:18-25

FROM THE HEART OF PETER - Next in the Blog Devo Series...

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries

Award-winning author of My Prayer Chair


FROM THE HEART OF PETER is a Blog Devotional Series. Although the insights are not absolutes, they present possible thoughts and actions of Peter throughout scripture. Enjoy the journey. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.




Author, Carla McDougal

Based on John 21:1-14 and Luke 5:1-11

Peter dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish–One hundred and fifty-three. But even with so many fish the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast. He took the bread gave it to them and did the same with the fish.

–John 21:11-13

Standing by the Sea of Galilee, a flashback occurs...

I remember the day Jesus stood on this shoreline. The crowd pressed about Him to listen to the Word of God. Some desired to hear His teachings while others eagerly awaited a miracle. Memories flood in...

3 Years Ago - Listening from a distance, I cleaned my fishing nets. Frustration lingered from an all night fishing excursion that left us empty handed. I noticed Jesus moving toward my boat, Then to my surprise He stepped in and sat down. Stunned, I placed the nets back in the boat and joined him. He continued speaking to the multitudes, but then stopped and looked at me. I will never forget His words, "Simon Peter, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch". I responded with, "Master, I toiled all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net." To my surprise, our nets began breaking. The sound of fish jumping echoed through the valley. I couldn't believe my eyes! The crowd stood in amazement. In the midst of dragging the nets to the shore, My Lord said something I will never forget, "Follow Me." Without hesitation. Without excuse. I left it all... family, friends, boat, fishing equipment, and "the catch of a lifetime" to follow Him.

A lump forms. Shaking my head back to reality, I press forward. Looking at my fellow disciples I say, “I am going fishing.”

With gear in hand, I step into my boat. My friends follow. From dusk until dawn we cast our nets into the deep. But sadly, only seaweed entangles our snares. Once again defeat lingers.

Until–a voice echoes across the expanse. Cast your nets on the other side. Embracing the challenge, we obey. In awe, the nets fill to capacity. “It’s the Lord!” John shouts. Without hesitation, I plunge into the sea.

I must reach Jesus before He leaves again.

What seem like hours takes only minutes. With each stroke memories surface. Like deja vu, I recall this same scenario not long ago. When I stepped out of the boat to meet Jesus on the water–Walking. Like lead, my body feels the weight of another failure.

I must reach Jesus before He leaves again.

Behind me, I hear the cheers from my friends–Come on Peter! You can make it! Now seconds from the shoreline I since the release, yet a lingering thought arises. Like a dagger entering my heart, I feel the pain of my past choices.

I must reach Jesus before He leaves again.

Shivering and exhausted, I reach my destination. The view is breathtaking. The aroma is a perfect invitation for breakfast–fish simmering on the fire with fresh-baked bread on the side. An ideal setting for seamen who fished all night.

In a moments notice my focus shifts to My Lord’s voice–Bring some of the fish you have just caught. With a rush of adrenaline, I race to the boat. Dragging the net to land, I notice Jesus’ arms open as He says–Come and eat breakfast. 

An immediate reminder of His statement–Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.(2) A hush comes over me. Encouragement flows. His invitation awaits my entrance. This threshold of hope calls to me. Forgiveness invites me back home.


LIFE CHALLENGE - Is Jesus calling you to "Come to Him?" Are you holding back because of guilt or shame? He is encouraging you to "Come and have breakfast." Lay all your burdens on His fire or altar. As a result, they burn up and serve as a fragrance of encouragement to others. Yes, encouragement to give it all to Jesus - your sins, your actions, your thoughts, your words, your ALL!

FROM THE HEART OF PETER - Next post in series...

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

(1) Luke 5:4

(2) Matthew 11:28



FROM THE HEART OF PETER is a Blog Devotional Series. Although the insights are not absolutes, they present possible thoughts and actions of Peter throughout scripture. Enjoy the journey. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.


Part 2


Author, Carla McDougal

Based on Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-27; Mark 14:66-72

While he was speaking... The rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered Jesus' words - "Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times." Peter went out and wept bitterly. -Luke 22:60-62 (NKJV)

The dwindling fire resembles the dying passion in my heart. What once was a blaze of glory, now mirrors only embers of guilt and shame. Jesus’ words echo in my mind. This pain is almost too much for me to bear. Images of the past three years play over and over in my head. I don’t understand. It doesn’t make sense. Why would Jesus leave us? Why did I deny knowing Him? Nothing makes sense anymore. We can’t go on without Him–Our leader, Our master, Our teacher. I should have listened more intently when He was with us?

But… I DENIED HIM… not once or twice, but three times.

This silence feels like torture. Confusion clouds my thoughts. God, help me understand. I don’t know what to do. If only I had another chance to touch His robe and plead for His forgiveness. Again, the vision of

Again, the vision of Jesus' face appears, yet like a vapor, it vanishes. I recall His lectures by the Sea of Galilee, His miraculous miracles, and even the moment He walked on water. How could I forget the time He looked into the depths of my soul and said, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church.”

In the stillness, I wipe my eyes, take a deep breath, and let out a sigh, Well, I guess that part of my life is over. Where do I go from here?"All of a sudden, the sound of waves crashing on the shore catch my attention. A thought rushes in, “I still have my boat and my fishing equipment. I guess it’s back to the life of a fisherman.

After grabbing a handful of dirt, I toss it over the coals to quench the fire... a true reflection of my once burning passion to serve Jesus now smothered by guilt, shame, and regret.

Forever defeated, or so I thought.

Read Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-27; Mark 14:66-72.

LIFE CHALLENGE - Are you living in defeat? Do you live with regret? Have you rejected knowing Jesus... maybe not verbally, but with your actions or your silence? Are you still weeping over your sin? If you are a believer in Jesus, you are forgiven for past, present, and future transgressions. As you repent, trust that you are forgiven. Then walk forward in the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember - "God has made you alive in Christ and all your sins." - Colossians 2:13 (NIV)

FROM THE HEART OF PETER - Next post in this series...

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal



The Parenting Marathon

By Carla McDougal

Nearing the mile marker, shock stuns my body. Another benchmark looms ahead. Is this reality or an illusion? Where did the time go? Approaching the goal seems surreal. With each breath I tell myself, I can do it. For twenty-six years I trained for this race. No stopping now!

I feel the need to rehydrate—from a physical and spiritual standpoint. Confusion clouds my mind. My stride weakens with each step. Thoughts of quitting spoil my concentration. Within seconds these words resonate within—Come on, you can do it! I recognize this inner voice of encouragement spurring me forward… the tenderness, the Lord’s perfect timing. All of a sudden, adrenaline kicks in and I pick up the pace. Reaching this mile marker ignites a sense of excitement, accomplishment, and sadness rolled into one emotion.

Breathing deeply I realize this leg of The Parenting Marathon is complete. The last of our four children graduated from high school and is moving on to college. Emotions pour in. The memory “recall button” seems stuck on auto play. As a mom, I fight the necessity of letting go. How can I move forward? How will this affect my everyday life? Fear of the unknown captures me like never before.

In the midst of these tangled thoughts comes a soothing whisper… a sweet voice eases my confusion. Remember, my child, to lay aside every weight, and the sin, which so easily ensnares you, run with endurance the race that is set before youBut, God… No excuses, look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and now sits at the right hand of the throne of God. These words wash over me like a cleansing spring rain. In the blink of an eye my vision clears. Refocusing on God’s Word brings clarity to the goal. This drink of living water rehydrates my body, mind, and soul preparing me for what lies ahead.

In this moment I stand at a crossroad in the race. Do I hold back in The Parenting Marathon or with excitement embrace this new part of the course?

Without hesitation I cry out, “God, I am moving forward! I don’t want to miss a moment of Your plan. I recognize I need to focus my heart, mind and soul on You. Every morning rehydrate me with Your drink of spiritual refreshment. Fuel my soul with the nourishment of Your Word. Strengthen me through the Holy Spirit; for when I am weak You are strong. Thank you for carrying me through the low places and leading me to the high roads. This Parenting Marathon is Your planned race, not mine. May I never try to run the course on my own for I know this only leads to tumbles and falls. To You belongs the glory and honor.”

Some call this next leg of The Parenting Marathon—The Empty Nest. But, I choose to call it—The Place of Rest. The days of diapers, bottles, homework, carpool lines, piles of laundry, and family bedtime prayers are only memories locked away in the crevices of my mind. In all honesty, doubt and guilt serve as stumbling blocks in this section of the course. Did we teach her enough about Jesus? Is she ready for the real world? How many teachable moments did I miss through the years? Oh, these questions have the potential to ignite a damaging fire if not quenched by God’s Word and prayer.

With all this said, I choose to put my trust and faith in the one who holds the key to my child’s heart—Jesus, the author and finisher of her faith. I find the more I press into prayer, the more excited I become for this next leg of The Parenting Marathon.

A shift in scenery is expected during this next stretch of the course. Rounding this corner brings some unpredictable road hazards mingled with glimpses of God’s splendor. At this point my role as mom changes from the Daily Discipline Sprinter to a Long Distance Prayer Runner. This phase requires consistency, a listening ear and minute-by-minute intimate conversations with the head trainer and ultimate life coach—Jesus. Knowing I am not in control releases me to trust God’s plan for her life. A sense of relief soothes my aching muscles as the light of Christ illuminates each step of the way.

Taking a deep breath, I look into my husband’s eyes. Like salve on a wound, my heart is relieved. Linked together eases the pain of change. So, arm-in-arm we embrace this next mile marker. We call upon our Life Coach, Jesus, to train us as Long Distance Prayer Runners.

Immediately a spark of excitement burst into flames. Again God’s Word empowers me… Remember, my child, to lay aside every weight, and the sin, which so easily ensnares you, run with endurance the race that is set before you. No excuses, look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and now sits at the right hand of the throne of God.

This spiritual nourishment replenishes my weary body. A second wind breathes life into God’s purpose and plan for The Parenting Marathon. Stretching my arms to the heavens I shout with joy… I surrender each one of my children to You, Jesus—The author and finisher of all of our faith. All of a sudden, I see   in the distance a brilliant colorful scene on the horizon. A rainbow connecting heaven to earth. Tears flow. A smile appears. The blessing of God’s promise received.

* Dedicated to my children - now adults and either out of college and married or in still pursuing a degree - Love all of you with all my heart!


Junk Closet.jpg

Do you remember the last time you opened the door to your junk closet? You know, that special hide-away for all the unwanted clutter. Maybe this is the place you store those old, worn-out items. Or, possibly it’s broken, and you don’t know what to do with it. Over time the buildup can be overwhelming!

In my Bible study, Reflecting Him, I invite readers to take a guided tour through various rooms in their homes, and compare these areas to their spiritual lives. The first day of the tour focuses on the junk closet—that hidden, dark place no one enters but you. “Out of sight, out of mind” might describe those items tucked away in this darkened space. As the clutter builds so does our frustrated and irritated attitudes toward this area in our homes.

“Out of sight, out of mind” might also represent our spiritual lives––the things we hide in our minds and hearts. Stuffing past hurts, painful experiences, unconfessed sin, selfish acts or choices, and even negative thoughts weigh heavy on our souls. Allowing Jesus to open the door to our spiritual junk closets gives Him full access to clean as needed. The result, the clutter and debris are replaced by God’s love, grace, forgiveness, and mercy.

Do you harbor bitterness from past hurts? Does sin linger in the crevices of your heart and mind? Are you in need of God’s forgiveness? Let go, and let God shine His light into these darkened areas releasing you from the pain, anguish, and suffering of silence.

Just like cleaning out the junk closet creates a tidy atmosphere, our spiritual lives need a fresh daily sweep as well.

In many cases, installing special shelving or containers helps organize a closet. Sometimes hiring a professional closet organizer brings a fresh perspective to the situation. Likewise, our spiritual closets need organizing. Reading God’s Word daily helps us coordinate our life circumstances and the Holy Spirit serves as our spiritual closet organizer.

So with excitement sit back and enjoy the experience of a fresh, clean spiritual closet!

How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so we may serve the living God. –Hebrews 9:14

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

A CORD OF THREE STRANDS - God, Husband, and Wife


Fred and Carla McDougal - 30 Happy Years of Marriage

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion... Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. -Ecclesiastes 4:9,12

Thirty years? No way! Where did the years go? Reflecting back, I am humbled at all the Lord has done in our lives. Let me set the scene...

Our Love Journey began when we were teenagers. By the hand of God, I moved to Abilene, TX where I ended up spending my senior year at Wylie High School. We met in "Home and Family Living" class together. I should have realized right then his "family man" potential. Our of all the students the teacher chose Fred as the "1981 Who's Who in Home & Family Living." The year was half way over when he finally asked me out. I knew at the Merl Haggard concert something was different about this guy. Not only was he cute - today girls would say "hot" - his sense of humor captured my heart!

Time moved forward and I followed him to Texas A & M University. We married the summer before our senior year in college. We saved just enough money to make it through the year - or so we thought! The funny stories we have of "making it" are foundational for strengthening our marriage.

I am humbled to say from our dating years - our wedding - our four children - 30 years of marriage - Jesus is and has been the anchor our marriage. He is our rock through the wonderful times and the tough times. Honestly, when I think of a our marriage and the verse in Ecclesiastes 4:12 - a cord of three strands - tears emerge. Its Fred, me, and the Third Strand - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - All in One!

I encourage all to intertwine your marriage with the "Third Strand!" This is the strength needed when the world, the enemy, and the things of the flesh are working to pull it apart. It is exciting to know God is the one holding the marriage together. AMEN! 

Try this experiment... Take one strand of thread and hold it with both hands - pull as hard as you can. What happens? It easily breaks in half. Now, twist 2 stands of thread together and pull. What happens this time? Again it's easily broken. For the ultimate challenge... twist 3 strands of thread together and give a big pull. What happens? Why does that 3 strand make a difference? The third strand brings strength to the other two. This is a perfect analogy of how God strengthens a husband and wife relationship. He is the one that holds them together, makes them useful, and brings makes them strong.


To Fred, the Love of my Life... Today on July 28, 2014 I celebrate with you these past 30 years. Thank you for your unconditional love that flows so freely from your heart to mine. Every time you say, "I treasure you" - which is daily - reminds me of your commitment to love and cherish me until death due us part. The laughter through the years is like medicine to my soul. Your sense of humor makes me "Smile all over my Face." Thank you for protecting me, flirting with me, encouraging me, and most of all for spiritually leading our family. Not by rules or regulations, but by a heart of love for the Lord - a relationship with Him. I cherish you more today than ever before.

I love you!




From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. -Eph 4:16 (NIV)

Round puzzles. Square puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles. Crossword puzzles. Heart puzzles!

All have one thing in common - the pieces fit together to complete the whole. If one segment is removed it distorts the full picture. Just as a missing link weakens the chain, an omitted puzzle piece altars the final image.

A few weeks ago we purchased a small shed for our trash cans. It came unassembled with instructions included. The process of piecing it together began. To our surprise after the construction was complete one lone piece remained. As a result, the shed was unstable and wobbly. In the course of assembling the building we accidentally skipped one of the steps, which affected the final outcome. As a result, it was vital to go back to the bypassed step and add the missing piece. In the end, the container was sturdy and useable.

This real life analogy reminded me of the Christian life. God calls us to work together as the body of Christ. But, occasionally a missing piece appears. This can be explained in a variety of ways...

  • DISUNITY - Sometime we, as the connected pieces, try to fit people into ministry positions rather than allowing God to create and finish His Kingdom Puzzle. As a result, there is a disconnect in the ministry or relationships causing a disunity.

  • THE LONE PIECE - Sometimes we try to mold ourselves into positions that we are not created to accomplish. We end up forcing it to work rather than allowing God to fit us into His Kingdom Puzzle. This again causes disfunction rather than harmony.

  • THE TAKE OVER - Finally, it can be tempting to try to fit our own puzzle piece into "all" the places, which not only distorts His Kingdom Puzzle but never functions properly.

God created us to work together as the body of Christ. Beautifully designed to accomplish His purposes. God's Kingdom Puzzles are best created by Him, for Him. His beautiful mosaics form an exquisite panorama of His Glory.

CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK - Within His Kingdom Puzzle are you loving others unconditionally, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? Do you find yourself trying to fit into places God hasn't designed for you? Are you trying to fit others into your puzzle area that don't belong? Ask God to show you His plan and purpose for you as you serve Him. Remember, He is the ultimate puzzle maker. His designs can't be matched!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Author of My Prayer Chair and Reflecting Him

Founder/Speaker for Reflective Life Ministries



Inside the walls of guilt there is the desire to be forgiven, and a freedom in the release.

As a Christian public speaker, I hear this story over and over. Many women have a difficult time accepting God’s complete forgiveness. Either because of a tarnished past or unwise choices–they live life in defeat. As a result, believing these lies shuts them in the dark walls of their minds. Does this resemble you? Maybe you know someone struggling with forgiving themselves of a past or present sin… addiction, verbal abuse, abortion, sexual abuse, an affair, gossip, rebellion, eating disorder, self-absorption, materialism, judgment of others, legalism and more. We as humans categorize our sins. We think God views some greater than others. The fact is sin-is-sin to God. He is waiting for us to repent, surrender, and accept His gift of forgiveness. Below is a short story God poured into my heart and mind while praying for a friend captured…


Written by Carla McDougal

Dedicated to those living inside the walls of guilt and shame

            Disgrace continually plagues my mind. Humiliation runs through my veins. My shame is too great for God to forgive. Once again I cry out in distress, “God help me let go and fully trust you!” In reluctance I grasp my Bible and turn to Psalm 51…

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your loving kindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight. (1-4)

These dingy, grey walls of guilt hold me captive to my past. Gazing outside the window, I long for the freshness of spring, the warmth of the sun, and the freedom to run through the meadow. How do I break free from my soiled past? My eyes fix on the next few verses…

Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. (6-11)

Weeping. Sobbing. Kneeling before the Lord I ask, “Are you sure you can create a pure heart in me? I desire this so much. These grimy and stained walls have decorated my mind for years. This dark room closes in more and more each day. I want out, but can’t find the exit. I don’t deserve to be released from this hopeless dungeon of guilt. My sin is too great to merit Your forgiveness.” All of a sudden, as I read the next few verses a renovation of the soul ignites. Literally the chains holding me captive unlock and immediate freedom avails.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you. Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the God who saves me, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, Oh God you will not despise. In your good pleasure make Zion prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight you; the bulls will be offered on your alter. (Ps. 51:12-19)

The once bleak and dreary walls now appear white as snow! Falling to my knees I praise Jesus for His grace and mercy. Examining this restoration process leaves me humbled and amazed. As I scan the room I notice a wide open door––a door I never noticed before. I hear The Lord say, “My child, this door of forgiveness is always present. But, your years of guilt built layers and layers covering this passageway to freedom. I’ve been waiting to free you, but you had to see yourself as I see you––Forgiven past, present, and future because of my son Jesus. I love you and long to experience an intimate relationship with you.” Immediately the sweet aroma of springtime travels through the doorway. Falling to my knees I breath in this fragrance of forgiveness––God’s forgiveness! I'm now outside the walls of guilt experiencing the freedom of release. Tears pour. Heart warms. Humbleness flows.


Experience His forgiveness today. Confess your sin before the Lord, walk forward knowing you are freed from the past, and like Ps. 51:16 says… The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries

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