
A picture is worth a thousand words.

A thousand words can't begin to capture the heart behind the picture.

A moment in time.

Not to be recreated.

Nor is it suppose to be.

A smile ignites every time I recall the my first mission trip in the summer of 2005. The destination - The Dominican Republic. Fear of the unknown consumed me. My Spanish vocabulary consisted of "Si." Questions poured into my mind, "How was I to connect? How could I communicate?" As the week progressed God diminished my fears, replacing it with truth and joy. He showed Himself in victorious way as men, women, and children accepted Jesus into their hearts. He broke down barriers of communications. Life-long friendships developed. God received the glory.


Now almost a decade later God has allowed me to be involved with a number of missions beyond borders... The Dominican Republic, Haiti, Italy, and five times to Guatemala. In fact, a group of six of us leave on June 11 for the SETECA Women's Retreats in Guatemala. A surge of excitement rages within as I prepare and plan my session talk. Humbleness envelops my heart because this year I get the privilege to hand deliver each woman (representing 15-20 different latino nations) a copy of My Prayer Chair in Spanish - Mi Sillon De Oracian! Tears already well up just thinking about hand delivering the books to these precious women. To God be the glory!

I am excited to share that my daughter, Carly Jo, will be serving for 6-weeks as an intern for Vision Trust International in a village in The Dominican Republic. Her heart for serving Jesus inspires me. I'm excited to share that she packed about 40 Mi Sillon De Oracion books with her. Her team will use this little book to disciple young girls in the village. Who but God knew this would be this case!

Below is Carly Jo's blog post the day before she left for the intern-mission trip. May you be blessed by each word.



God is abundantly, sweetly, gloriously, and relentlessly good.

He is good because it was a piece of cake raising all the money for my mission trip? No, that was difficult.

Because He zapped up all the mosquitos in the Dominican Republic? No, in fact, we were just informed that there is a Malaria-type disease going around the Dominican Republic that is mosquito-borne. Yeah, talk about scary.

Oh, God is good because he has taken ALL of my fears away? Nope. They are definitely still there. And taunting.

It will take me a lifetime to understand the phrase “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good”. We used to memorize this phrase in Sunday School but these were empty words until life started becoming difficult. In the lonely times, God gently opened my eyes to see that He, alone, is good because of His Character. Not based on the conditions I place upon Him. The Lord is good because of His constant, pursuing love for me. And you. Whether I am feeling like I am on cloud nine or in the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is still pursuing me full force. Like a lion in pursuit of a deer, is the Lord’s love in pursuit of my heart. When I begin to take my eyes off the horizontal situation around me and look up to Jesus, my hope finds security in my constant God and I find peace that surpasses all understanding.He wants me to live confidently and unashamed because of who HE is. Because I serve a God who is furiously in love with His creation.

Click to read the rest of.... GOD IS GOOD (ALL THE TIME)

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal



The Fallen.

The Brave.

The Heros.

Memorial Day.

When you think of this national holiday what comes to mind? Maybe you're thankful for a day off of work or school. If you love to shop, Memorial Day might remind you of the sales at the mall. What about family barbeques and picnics? Is this all there is to Memorial Day... relaxing, shopping, family and friends? 

Let's take a trip back in time. Before you begin reading ask the Lord to open your heart to the real meaning and purpose for this day of honor.

General John L. Logan is credited for naming May 30, 1868 as the first Memorial Day. This day, dating back as far as The Civil War, is observed in the United States as a commemoration of those members of the armed forces killed in war. Allow these quotes to soak in...

  • They fell, but o'er their glorious grave floats free the banner of the cause they died to save. ~Francis Marion Crawford

  • For love of country they accepted death... ~James A. Garfield

  • A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ~Joseph Campbell

These brave men and women sacrificed their lives for the freedoms and liberties of this great nation - The United States of America. As we remember these fallen heroes we must never forget America is still One Nation Under God! What a blessing knowing God is in charge of all creation, life, history, and the future of this great nation.

Likewise, we must not forget the ultimate hero... Jesus! He died so that we could have eternal freedom from the bondage of sin. He won the battle with Satan at the cross. He conquered the grave. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. With a heart of praise to God read Psalm 77:10-11... 

But I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the works of the Lord. Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds. Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary... Who is so great a God who does wonders. You have declared Your strength among the peoples. Ps. 77:10-11

Challenge for the Week... Thank God for those who sacrificed their lives for freedom to prevail in America. Thank Him that we are "One Nation Under God" and pray for this to live on for years to come. Praise God for the Prayer Heroes who through out history sacrificed their time to serve the Lord as they prayed for America. I feel certain a Medal of Honor is reserved for them in heaven! Let's keep this prayer chain alive... Pray for America! Amen.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal



I love dissecting scripture. Grasping the true meaning of the words from the Greek and Hebrew definitions gives spiritual nourishment to my soul. It’s like examining the Nutritional Facts on the side of food boxes. It gives understanding and clarity to what I’m about to ingest. Get ready for a fun journey as we dig in to 1 Peter 2:1,2…

Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babies, desire pure milk of The Word that you may grow.

Desire… Greek Definition––to long for, crave, to pursue with love, to long after.

What do you long for in life? Do you crave more money, success, power, recognition, material things, or possibly perfection? Or, do you desire righteousness, mercy and grace through Jesus?

Pure milk…
 Greek Definitions–Pure means unmixed, unadulterated, sincere. Milk is a metaphor for the less difficult Christian truths.

Would you mix a teaspoon of garlic in a bottle of milk for your baby? No way! His little tummy would be unset for hours. Neither is it a good idea to water down your baby’s milk to the point of depleting the nutrients.

Just as a baby requires pure milk, our walk with Jesus must contain purified, unpolluted, sincere biblical truths. The result: Spiritual Nourishment!

Of the word… Greek Definition–spoken word, pertaining to the soul or spirit.

More than likely you have heard the old statement, “You are what you eat.” There is even a book using this statement as the title. It focuses on a nutritional program to improve health and change dietary habits. Hmm, I see a spiritual life lesson forming.

Just as healthy physical food energizes the physical body, so feeding on the true and solid spoken word from God's Word feeds the soul. Now we are getting somewhere!

That you may grow… Greek Definition–to grow; increase speaking of plants, infants, a multitude of people, inward Christian growth.

Now, I am trying to contain myself. I want to jump out of my chair and shout, “God you are so awesome!”  Think about this–in order to grow in our walk with the Lord and experience spiritual nourishment we must first crave the sincere, unaltered Christian truths. As we humbly desire and grasp the gift of God’s grace and unconditional love through His son, Jesus Christ, our souls are nourished. Daily realizing, "Life is not about me, but all about Him,"  feeds the mind and heart with the truths of God. Believing, "The only way to the Father is through His son" energizes our purpose into action. Oh, I could go on and on. I love reading and diving into the Word of God!

Challenge for the Week…  Can a baby survive from one bottle of milk a week? No. It’s more like 6-8 bottles a day. Likewise, can a child of God grow and mature spiritually with one feeding on Sunday mornings? Our Christian life would be weak and frail. This week crave to seek the Lord’s truths through reading His Word, praying throughout your day and look for God's life lessons along the way. He is waiting to give you spiritual nourishment everyday!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal






Oh Lord, what should I do? I am confused and don't know which way to turn. Have you experienced these thoughts? Can you recall a time when you were gripped with fear because of a decision? 

We've all been there at one time or another. Personally, I wish God would give me the answer straight up. A billboard would be nice, or how about an email? Imagine opening your inbox to receive a message from God! 

Why doesn't He work this way? As believers we have the privilege to talk to God 24/7. Anytime, all the time! He is there waiting to listen, act, and commune with us. He desires an ongoing communication with His children. If you are a parent, you can understand that He doesn't want us to call on Him just during emergencies. Yes, He is there during those times when we need crisis counseling, but He also wants us to come to Him for everything else. 

I remember, when I was young, hearing my grandmama pray for parking spots at the grocery store. She said sometimes she would get a spot close to the front and other times in the "boondocks." It didn’t matter where she parked; she always thanked God. She always reminded me that He was in control. In my child’s mind this seemed odd, but the truth she displayed was her ongoing, daily-seeking, trusting, and living relationship with Jesus. Oh, what a blessing to watch a woman live her life for Him! In her later years… when my grandmama’s driving days were over, I called her on a regular basis. Often when I asked about her day, she replied with these words, “I’m in my prayer chair. I have my "hot-line" to heaven going." 

Tears form as I write this article. You see, my grandmama showed me what it was like to have a daily connection with Jesus – not a relationship based on what I could do for Him, but just based on being with Him. I thank God for a grandmama who displayed such a living, walking, breathing relationship with Jesus. I praise The Lord for a woman in my life who was so connected to her family through her prayers to God. I wonder if one day when I get to heaven I'ill be able to hear a replay of all the prayers she prayed over me.

So, when faced with a decision... Pray. Pray. PRAY! Whether it's a career change, financial decision, family crisis, how to disciple your children, relationship issues, or even where to park when at the grocery store - Pray. Keep a heavenly perspective and watch what God does in and through your life. 

Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you and uphold you with my righteous right-hand. Isaiah 41:10

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries

Author of Award-Winning Book My Prayer Chair



All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. 

The grass withers, and its flower falls away, But the Word of the Lord endures

for ever and ever, Amen.

1 Peter 1:24-25


Forever and Ever, Amen. Such a simple statement. In some ways these four words are somewhat of a cliché. A positive way to conclude a thought or comment. But, do we really grasp its meaning?

In the midst of reading 1 Peter 1:24-25 the words Forever and ever, Amen lit up like a neon sign. I couldn't get them out of my mind. So, I went on a treasure hunt into God's Word. In my search I discovered God planted this phrase in the Bible (KJV) 278 times. Almost like a stamp of approval. My curiosity heightened as my search continued.

I noticed in this verse Peter is actually quoting Isaiah 40:6-8Still seeking answers I journeyed back to the Old Testament. To my surprise a thought emerged. Like a light illuminating its surroundings God planted an analogy or tangible way of understanding this scripture in my mind... WILDFLOWERS.


The unveiling continued as I pictured Texas wildflowers in the spring. A beautiful multi-colored panorama displaying His glory. Warmth consumed my heart as I imagined these natural springtime bouquets. Focusing on each phrase of 1 Peter 1:24-25, God revealed a deeper truth and understanding of the passage...

  • All flesh is as grass... Flesh = Man = Grass = the grass on the side of the road = Withers = Dries up

  • All the glory of man as the flower of the grass... The grass’ flower like the Indian Paint Brush, Bluebonnet, or Sunflower = Falls away = Fades = Temporary

  • The grass withers, and its flower falls away, But the Word of the Lord endures Forever and Ever, Amen... Forever = the Word of the Lord = God’s promises in the Bible = Eternal, Everlasting, Never changing! 

Oh my, don’t miss this…

When we glorify ourselves rather than God His “living water” depletes from our souls. This lack of spiritual moisture causes the fruit of our labor to droop, shrivel, and dry up like a fading flower.

But, we can’t stop here. Isaiah 40:7 drives home a deeper image for us… 

The grass withers, the flower fades, because the breath of the Lord blows upon it. Surely the people are grass.The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:7,8

What happens to wildflowers, especially in Texas, during of the summer? They experience extreme heat, relentless winds, and lack of rain. As a result, the volume of flowers dwindle. Does this mean they don’t have the potential to reappear? No, in most cases their seeds fall to the ground and lay dormant until the time is right for them to spring into action.

As God’s children, He calls us to give Him the Glory for everything He does through us… feeding the homeless, working at church, teaching a women's group, leading a committee, encouraging words spoken, financially helping others, etc. The second we take glory for anything God does through us it's like the wind blowing the petals off the plant. The wildflowers can't control the wind or the weather conditions. They are a result of where they are planted. Our physical bodies wither and our acts of kindness fade away, but the Lord is Forever and Ever. Amen!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal



be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. 1 Samuel 12:23

I will pray for you.

How many times is this statement used in a day? Do we actually follow through or has it become a a phrase to make others feel better?

How serious are these five words to God?

In the verse above who does Samuel say we sin against when we fail to pray for one another? THE LORD GOD.

God calls us to pray for each other, lift one another up in prayer, and to cry out in pray for the needs of others. This was instilled in Samuel at an early age. Not able to conceive, Hannah, cried out to God for a son. In her pain and distress she made a vow to The Lord...

"If You will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son,then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life."

1 Samuel 1:11

God heard her cry, answered her prayer, and as a result she followed through with her promise. His mother's example left a "prayer imprint" on Samuel's heart. Throughout the scriptures we find example after example of Samuel praying for others. I love the fact that when he says he will pray, he did it right then... 1 Samuel 7:5.

Do you believe your prayers make a difference? Do you mean what you pray or do you just say the words out of duty? Get ready to be blown away...

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16

Pray for each other so that - you - may be healed? Praying for others heals me? This word in the Greek actually means "to make whole; to free from errors and sins." Now this is a new and fresh thought. When I take the time to pour out my heart on behalf of others, I am affected. My relationship with Jesus is deepened. 

Challenge for the Week... When you tell someone you will pray for them... Do It! Follow through with that commitment to pray. In fact, here is a double challenge, when you tell someone you will pray do it right then... in the grocery store, on the phone, at work, at church, during exercise class, in the yard. I find when I pray right then, in the moment, I am more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's nudge to pray later.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries

Award-Winning Author of My Prayer Chair



The day before Jesus' crucifixion, after the Last Supper, Jesus and His disciples left the upper room. They sang hymns from Psalms as they strolled to the Mount of Olives. (Mark 14:26-31) - After reading this The Holy Spirit opened my heart to a new thought... Jesus led His disciples to the very place He would lay His life down for them the very next day.

I can almost see this scene... Jesus looks deep into His friends eyes and says, "All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night." Then He quotes Zechariah 13:7. With Peter leading the pack they all cry out, "No, we will never leave you. We love you!" A few hours go by and Jesus is arrested. Reading Mark 14:50 literally sent chills up my spine, "Then they all forsook Him and fled."


After this quiet time with the Lord, tears gently fell and my heart sunk to the floor. I cried out for Jesus to forgive me all the times I fled Him in my own life. The times I ran from difficult Christ-centered conversations or situations. Times I sought after what pleases me rather than Him. And the times of fleeing out of fear. Even now tears well up as I praise Him for His grace, mercy, and love. A tender lesson forever remembered!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal



From My Heart to Yours



Who can grasp?

Who can understand?

Who can fathom?

No combination of words can describe this connection. This innate relationship so deeply rooted in compassion, selflessness, and mercy. Like a never-ending waterfall, a mama's love is ever flowing. I totally understand. I received firsthand knowledge of this kind of love through my own children - Luke, Jake, Tate, and Carly Jo. Oh, the blessing of looking in the rearview mirror. I recall the prayers over my children through the years. One in particular lingers forever in my heart and mind...

"Lord, help them to love You with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength."

With hands lifted high and a humble heart I proclaim to Jesus, "Thank You for hearing my hearts cry! Thank You for drawing them to yourself. Thank You for bringing Brianne to Luke and Tara to Jake as their spouses. For they are both our answer to prayer. Thank you that Tate and Carly seek you in their college years. Thank you for answering my plea that they would love you with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. For we as their parents give You All the Glory! Amen."

After three boys, God blessed us with a baby girl - Carly Jo. At her birth God's hand of love, grace and mercy gently lifted us from a near death experience - my uterus ruptured. The doctor said, "Ten more minutes and they both would have been gone." While in ICU one of the surgery nurses stood by my bed and gently grasped my hand and said, "Honey, I must tell you The Holy Spirit was in the surgery room with you. You and your baby were protected. God has a purpose for saving you and your precious baby girl." Then I watched her walk out the door. I kept asking about this nurse and no one could find her for me. I often wonder, if possibly, I received a visit from an angel.

From that moment on God continued to confirm His special calling upon Carly Jo's life. Through the years her love for Jesus strengthened. Not based on us, her parents, but a real, authentic, and genuine relationship with her Savior and Redeemer, Jesus. Taking after her Memom (my Mama), Carly Jo has always journaled her prayers. Her stack of journals date back to kindergarden! As a result, she has a heart and gift for writing. God opened the door for her to begin a blog called, "A Relentless Kind of Love."

Below is Carly Jo's heart-felt post. Please don't miss the paragraph following her article. Why? Because God used her post called "Home" to encourage a woman who was ready to give up on life, church, and God - everything! Be blessed...

[caption id="attachment_54" align="alignright" width="300"] Carly Jo, Memom, and I[/caption]

~A Relentless Kind of Love~

Home - Away From Home


Growing up, I never pictured myself as a long-term missionary (in the sense of moving across the Globe to spread the Gospel). Texas was my home and forever it would be. More importantly, wherever my family and friends were, that was my place of comfort. That was my home. This mindset drastically changed after my last trip to the Dominican Republic. For the past 8 or so years, my church has lead a mission trip to a tiny village outside of Cotui in the Dominican Republic. The trips consist of sharing the Gospel, constructing a school, and doing Vacation Bible School for the kids. These mission trips are so unique because we go back to the same village each summer. So, I get to see how the children have grown over the year and reconnect with the families I love so dearly. I wrote a prayer as I was on the plane back to America from our last mission trip. This prayer has acted as a seal of the radical transformation that occurred in my heart.

January 13, 2014

“Oh Lord,

My heart is overwhelmed. And confused. And scared. And above all, ready. Ready for an adventure.

As You (obviously) know, I have been coming to Cotui on mission trips for years. With each trip here, the “goodbyes” get harder. My heart literally aches as we drive away. But, every year, I do not walk away with just sorrow but also, with new lessons that You, my God, have revealed to refine my character. These life lessons have taught me how to love more richly, experience unending joy, and live with an expectant hope of Your coming Glory.

But, this time, Lord, You did not just teach me some lessons to improve my life. No, this time I am coming home a RADICALLY different person! You allowed me to experience life to the full this week and I never want it to go away. For so long, I have pushed the idea of long-term missions far far away. I have always (and only) wanted the “white picket fence, (super handsome!) husband, and cute kids” kinda life. BUT, God, it’s weird— that dream is gone. Trust me, if that is Your plan for me Lord, I would absolutely love it. But, as I am leaving the Dominican Republic this time, I have realized that Your will is not for me to dwell on what my life is “to become”. But rather, to focus ONLY on the step directly in front of me. In Psalm 119, You claim to be a “lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path”. Never do You claim to be the sun- for if You were the sun, my entire path of life would be exposed. Where is the trust, adventure, and fun in that?

But You, Oh Sovereign Lord, in Your infinite wisdom know far better than I. So, You choose to only reveal the step directly in front of me. Therefore, gently forcing me to trust You completely with my life- not just a portion of it. You want it all, oh Lover of My Soul. In Matthew 14, You called Peter to walk onto the chaos of the sea with You! (What?! THAT’D BE INSANE!) When Peter’s eyes were on You, Jesus, he did not sink. He was secure. But, as his gaze veered toward the scary situation surrounding him, he began to sink. You did not call him to the waters to make a fool of him or be cruel to him. No, You called Peter upon the waters in love. You wanted Peter to experience Your sovereignty in an entirely new way, therefore, expanding his trust in You. This is what You do for me. You call me upon waters of this life so that I may experience You in an new way and release control over every aspect of my life to You. As I lean so far into You, it becomes a testimony to others surrounding me that You are alive and real. In no way could I do these things on my own, but You, give me the power and strength to do out-of-this world things through Jesus Christ.

Sometimes it is hard to see the step in front of me, but I have learned that as I begin to lean more and more into You and Your Word, “the lamp” becomes a tad brighter at my feet. Not because of any works on my part, but as I saturate my soul in Your Word, my prayer life starts to model Yours. Therefore, my desires start to model Yours, as well. Thank You for being so much wiser than I am, Jesus. And for establishing this type of relationship for You and I. In time, maybe the white picket fence will come, but until then, I do not want to miss a moment with You. Through it all, You are with me. You made a promise to satisfy my every need (not want). And that promise is enough.

Father, I long for the people of Cotui to understand Your abounding grace, experience Your steadfast love, and live life aware of Your mercies that are new daily. It is a weird concept but through watching others’ lives be transformed by Your overwhelming Presence, You began to transform my very own life this week. I experienced a new freedom which I never knew existed. A freedom which only comes from You, through Jesus Christ. On the cross, Jesus broke the chains of sin that wrapped so tightly around my wrists. But, it is so silly because I continue to put the chains back on my wrists, though the prison door is wide open. This week You revealed that when I am daily “delighting myself in You” (Psalm 37:4), Your plans start to become my own. My joy is complete. My soul finds rest. I taste life to the full.

So, Lord, no longer will I be fearful of traveling overseas to share the Gospel long-term because You are with me, You are my God, You satisfy my every need (not want). Maybe You are calling me to live in the Dominican Republic for only a season of my life. But, God, I will follow where you lead me.

So, Jesus, shall we go on an adventure to the Dominican Republic?



Over this semester, I have begun to see that home does not consist of 4 walls and a roof (or even friends and family)- my home is with Jesus. So, no matter where I go, I am home. No longer do I have to be fearful of being away from my place of comfort because God desires for Jesus to be my “home”. Life to the full is a living, breathing, and active relationship with Jesus! Living life with Him is an adventure and if He calls me to travel across seas, or simply across campus, to let others know they can experience life to the full as well- I will do it. I do not ever want to miss out on an experience the Lord has for us- Jesus and me!

And after this prayer and… many more… I am excited to announce that I WILL BE GOING TO LIVE IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC for 6 weeks this summer! It is something I NEVER thought I would say but I guess when Jesus calls you upon the water, He will change your heart and He will keep you afloat. Stay tuned for more blog posts as I prepare for my journey!

” I launch my bark on the unknown waters of this year, with thee, O Father, as my harbor, thee, O Son, at my helm, thee, O Holy Spirit, filling my sails.” Valley of Vision

Click on the link to follow Carly Jo's "A Relentless Kind of Love" Blog 

Honestly, this story would not be complete without the next piece to the puzzle. I posted Carly Jo's Blog on my Facebook timeline. Throughout the day people commented on the post. Then the next day I received a message from a friend on Facebook. It totally knocked me off my feet and left me speechless. To God be the glory for ever and ever for using a young college student who has a desire to love the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength!

"Hi Carla, What I have to share below is going to bless the socks right off of you and your sweet daughter. I read Carly Jo's blog the other day when you posted it and was so touched by it. What an incredible young woman of God. I'm not surprised as she is your daughter. After reading it I decided to pass it on to a sweet young single mom that I am close to. She is actually a fairly new believer and is on the mission team I will be leading this summer. She is so in love with Jesus and her response to grace is to pour out her life in so many ways. I just love her. She has been struggling somewhat lately and I thought Carly Jo's blog might speak to her. Well I had no idea just how much she needed it or how much God would use it. I have copied and pasted her text to me this evening. Read and be blessed and of course pass it on to Carly Jo as well...

"Just wanted to say, THANK YOU! For the message on fb about your friends daughters blog. The one about long term mission work. You have no idea how much I needed that. But God knew!! I've had so much coming at me this last week and yesterday was another bad struggle. On my way to pick up one of my children from school I was having a very upset conversation with God. I was angry, tired, frustrated and basically throwing in the towel. I wanted to go to Texas and walk away from everything. I was tired of trying and failing. I was tired of following His plan just to have to be dealing with all this mess ALONE. I wanted to be around my family where I had support. I pretty much told Him I was done. I talked to my friend in Texas and told him I was going to call you and tell you I was withdrawing from the trip. That everything I was doing was wrong and not working. So I cried a lot last night and decided to sleep on it. Then call you today. This morning I saw your email you sent to me, but I was really trying hard to cut the ties and not get involved. I didn't want to read it. I was preparing myself to tell you this evening that I was out. I would help with the egg hunt, and trivia night then I was done with the trip, with outreach, and possibly church all together. I know this sounds extreme, but since my uncles death and the lack of God in their life I have been struggling so hard. And it's not getting better. Then one of the kittens died and the constant drama with my children - it's just piling high and I feel like I am sinking and doing it ALONE. Before I called tonight I finally read Carly Jo's blog.... I sat on my kitchen floor and cried. Still crying writing this. It was God... Talking to my heart through her words... It blows me away as bad as I talked and how I was on the verge of giving up and walking away from it all, that He wasn't letting me go. And you sent that to me last night about 30 mins after I prayed one last time for some kinda help before crying myself to sleep. So with all that said, I am not giving up! No matter what! He isn't giving up on me so I won't give up on Him and His great plans for me!! So I know you don't know, but that email changed everything!! Thank you so much! Love you!! "

So, with a heart of praise I thank God for the answered prayers over Carly Jo's life. For He receives the glory for ever and ever. This is a true picture of the phrase, "Life is not about me, but all about Him - Jesus."

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries

Author of My Prayer Chair and Reflecting Him