Do you remember the last time you opened the door to your junk closet? You know, that special hide-away for all the unwanted clutter. Maybe this is the place you store those old, worn-out items. Or, possibly it’s broken, and you don’t know what to do with it. Over time the buildup can be overwhelming!
In my Bible study, Reflecting Him, I invite readers to take a guided tour through various rooms in their homes, and compare these areas to their spiritual lives. The first day of the tour focuses on the junk closet—that hidden, dark place no one enters but you. “Out of sight, out of mind” might describe those items tucked away in this darkened space. As the clutter builds so does our frustrated and irritated attitudes toward this area in our homes.
“Out of sight, out of mind” might also represent our spiritual lives––the things we hide in our minds and hearts. Stuffing past hurts, painful experiences, unconfessed sin, selfish acts or choices, and even negative thoughts weigh heavy on our souls. Allowing Jesus to open the door to our spiritual junk closets gives Him full access to clean as needed. The result, the clutter and debris are replaced by God’s love, grace, forgiveness, and mercy.
Do you harbor bitterness from past hurts? Does sin linger in the crevices of your heart and mind? Are you in need of God’s forgiveness? Let go, and let God shine His light into these darkened areas releasing you from the pain, anguish, and suffering of silence.
Just like cleaning out the junk closet creates a tidy atmosphere, our spiritual lives need a fresh daily sweep as well.
In many cases, installing special shelving or containers helps organize a closet. Sometimes hiring a professional closet organizer brings a fresh perspective to the situation. Likewise, our spiritual closets need organizing. Reading God’s Word daily helps us coordinate our life circumstances and the Holy Spirit serves as our spiritual closet organizer.
So with excitement sit back and enjoy the experience of a fresh, clean spiritual closet!
How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so we may serve the living God. –Hebrews 9:14
From My Heart to Yours,
Carla McDougal