FROM THE HEART OF PETER is a Blog Devotional Series. Although the insights are not absolutes, they present possible thoughts and actions of Peter throughout scripture. Enjoy the journey. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.
Author, Carla McDougal
Based on John 21:1-14 and Luke 5:1-11
Peter dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish–One hundred and fifty-three. But even with so many fish the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast. He took the bread gave it to them and did the same with the fish.
–John 21:11-13
Standing by the Sea of Galilee, a flashback occurs...
I remember the day Jesus stood on this shoreline. The crowd pressed about Him to listen to the Word of God. Some desired to hear His teachings while others eagerly awaited a miracle. Memories flood in...
3 Years Ago - Listening from a distance, I cleaned my fishing nets. Frustration lingered from an all night fishing excursion that left us empty handed. I noticed Jesus moving toward my boat, Then to my surprise He stepped in and sat down. Stunned, I placed the nets back in the boat and joined him. He continued speaking to the multitudes, but then stopped and looked at me. I will never forget His words, "Simon Peter, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch". I responded with, "Master, I toiled all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net." To my surprise, our nets began breaking. The sound of fish jumping echoed through the valley. I couldn't believe my eyes! The crowd stood in amazement. In the midst of dragging the nets to the shore, My Lord said something I will never forget, "Follow Me." Without hesitation. Without excuse. I left it all... family, friends, boat, fishing equipment, and "the catch of a lifetime" to follow Him.
A lump forms. Shaking my head back to reality, I press forward. Looking at my fellow disciples I say, “I am going fishing.”
With gear in hand, I step into my boat. My friends follow. From dusk until dawn we cast our nets into the deep. But sadly, only seaweed entangles our snares. Once again defeat lingers.
Until–a voice echoes across the expanse. Cast your nets on the other side. Embracing the challenge, we obey. In awe, the nets fill to capacity. “It’s the Lord!” John shouts. Without hesitation, I plunge into the sea.
I must reach Jesus before He leaves again.
What seem like hours takes only minutes. With each stroke memories surface. Like deja vu, I recall this same scenario not long ago. When I stepped out of the boat to meet Jesus on the water–Walking. Like lead, my body feels the weight of another failure.
I must reach Jesus before He leaves again.
Behind me, I hear the cheers from my friends–Come on Peter! You can make it! Now seconds from the shoreline I since the release, yet a lingering thought arises. Like a dagger entering my heart, I feel the pain of my past choices.
I must reach Jesus before He leaves again.
Shivering and exhausted, I reach my destination. The view is breathtaking. The aroma is a perfect invitation for breakfast–fish simmering on the fire with fresh-baked bread on the side. An ideal setting for seamen who fished all night.
In a moments notice my focus shifts to My Lord’s voice–Bring some of the fish you have just caught. With a rush of adrenaline, I race to the boat. Dragging the net to land, I notice Jesus’ arms open as He says–Come and eat breakfast.
An immediate reminder of His statement–Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.(2) A hush comes over me. Encouragement flows. His invitation awaits my entrance. This threshold of hope calls to me. Forgiveness invites me back home.
LIFE CHALLENGE - Is Jesus calling you to "Come to Him?" Are you holding back because of guilt or shame? He is encouraging you to "Come and have breakfast." Lay all your burdens on His fire or altar. As a result, they burn up and serve as a fragrance of encouragement to others. Yes, encouragement to give it all to Jesus - your sins, your actions, your thoughts, your words, your ALL!
FROM THE HEART OF PETER - Next post in series...
From My Heart to Yours,
(1) Luke 5:4
(2) Matthew 11:28