Day 4 - 40-DAY PRAYER JOURNEY - Humble Our Hearts


Bible Prep: Deuteronomy 26:16-29; 28:1-14

"Now it shall come to pass, IF you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God; Blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the country." Deuteronomy 28:1-3



"O eternal and everlasting God, increase my faith in the sweet promises of the gospel; give me repentance from dead works; pardon my wanderings, and direct my thoughts unto Thyself, the God of my salvation; teach me how to live in Thy fear, labor in thy service, and ever to run in the ways of thy commandments; make me always watchful over my heart, that neither the terrors of conscience, the loathing of holy duties, the love of sin, nor an unwillingness to depart this life, may cast me into a spiritual slumber, but daily frame me more and more into the likeness of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, that living in Thy fear, and dying in Thy favor, I may in Thy appointed time to attain the resurrection of the just unto eternal life; bless my family, friends, and kindred."

What part of George Washington's prayer stands out to you? His humble and repentant heart shows throughout this prayer. He was a leader who respected and obeyed God's Word. Notice that this excerpt came from his prayer journal. He was a man of prayer. He must have understood the importance of communicating with God regularly. From this prayer, we see George Washington, the first president of the United States of America, was a leader who prayed, relied on God, trusted Him, read the Bible, feared the Lord, repented of sin, had a teachable heart, was humble beyond words, and desired to be more and more like Jesus daily. Oh, how we need leaders today who follow his example!

In Deut. 28: 1, notice the small two-letter word: IF. Do you see where George Washington followed this scripture in his prayer? What an example to all of us to follow. Today, may we as a nation repent, humble ourselves, and run back to God.

Begin your prayer with the one below and listen as the Holy Spirit helps you finish the prayer...

Father God,

Humble our hearts today so that we will hear Your voice. Help us as a nation obey Your voice in everything we say and do. Continue to bless us, O Lord, and give us a compassionate and giving heart toward those around us. Hold us to a higher calling, that we will carefully observe Your commandments and be a "Nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Lord... " (If My People, Pg. 9)

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

DAY 3: 40 DAY PRAYER JOURNEY - Spiritual Renewal in America

Bible Prep: Habakkuk 3


The Great Awakening was a period (1734-1745) in our history when revival spread throughout the colonies, and people were drawn to prayer and a greater spiritual experience. This was a time when American colonies were questioning the role of the individual in their Christian walk and their role in society. This was a time of enlightenment, which emphasized the power of each individual to understand the approach to salvation and the power of prayer.

Great men such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield were key figures who preached for nearly ten years in the New England colonies, emphasizing the personal approach to religion. These men played a crucial role in unifying the American colonies and in spreading the Great Awakening through the work of numerous preachers and revivals. This movement met people's need for reassurance, direction, and religious purpose, fostering a sense of unity in understanding their Christian faith and life. (pg. 56-57)

Do you long for another Great Awakening in our country? Like Habakkuk, are you crying out to the Lord on behalf of our nation, trusting that God is in control and has a plan? The Lord is calling His people to band together and pray united as one voice, trusting Him as He says, "Look among the nations and watch - Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days, which you would not believe though it were told you."

Encouragement flows when reading through Habakkuk 3. Why? Even though, in chapter 2, God lays out the destruction that will come to the nation because of their rebellion and disobedience, Habakkuk kept his eyes on WHO God was as the Creator, His greatness, and His salvation. He acknowledged God's power over creation and all humanity. He truly feared the Lord with an ultimate respect for his power and greatness, "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." Hab. 3:18

Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit how to pray for our nation. Like Habakkuk, listen and respond. "O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy." (Hab. 3:1)

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7

In the Bible, when the words prayer and supplication are used together in the same sentence, it is given greater importance to "Pray earnestly with ALL your being, everything you have—your mind, heart, soul, strength—trusting and knowing God is hearing your requests." If you are willing, please share how the Lord is leading you specifically to pray for our nation. For those reading, please take the time to pray with each request. As we band together in prayer, God moves.

Father God,

The worries of each day are ever around us. Conflict, both within and without, threatens the peace we desperately seek. Father God, we come to You with open hearts, seeking Your guidance and being content with all that You have given us as a nation. Guard our hearts, O Lord, so that we will be faithful to You, and let the peace of Your presence surround us each and every day. In Jesus name, Amen.(Pg. 12)

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

DAY 2 - 40 DAY PRAYER JOURNEY - Prayer is God's Design

Bible Prep: Habakkuk 2

Are you frustrated with what you see happening in America today? Habakkuk was in the same situation when, in Habukkuk 1:2, he cried out, "Oh Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear?" Does it seem like evil is being exposed more than ever before? In our media landscape, darkness lurks around every corner, from the news to movies to social media; even at the opening of the Olympics, spiritual darkness prevailed. Do you feel like Habakkuk felt in Hab. 1:1-4 when he said, "O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear?" Reading through the chapter, you can feel his frustration. I love how Habakkuk trusted God BEFORE his prayers were answered.

"I will stand at my watch, set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me and what I will answer when I am corrected." Habakkuk 2:1

Like us today, Habakkuk felt the burden of the nation around him. He cried out to God, listened, and believed God before he saw results.

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

Have you been "calling upon God" and standing in the gap for America, but it seems the waiting period is lasting FOREVER? Does it seem like things keep getting worse rather than better? When it appears from the earth that God is delaying answering, trust that God is puzzling the pieces together in ways you never thought of, all for His glory. He is engineering the circumstances so that His power and glory will be on display. His apparent delays are loving, purposeful, and deliberate. Our responsibility is to continuously "stand at my watch" and stay steadfast in "calling upon God," trusting that He is "working a work in our days which we would not believe." (Hab. 1:5)

"I have called upon You, for You will hear me, O God; Incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech." Psalm 17:6

Father God,

You have asked us to call to You, with the promise that You will answer when we do. We humbly seek Your guidance for our Nation. Give us wisdom so that we will be a people filled with Your presence guided by Your Spirit. Help us. O Lord, to honor You in word and deed, that we as a people will have Your blessing and favor. In Jesus Name. Amen. (Pg.7, "If My People")

"We cannot read the history of our rise and development at the Nation without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic... Where we have been the truest of the most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity."

Franklin Roosevelt | 32th Present of the United States of America


Thank you for joining me as we band together in one accord and pray for our country. Prayer is God's design for His children to participate in eternity here on earth. I must admit, so many times, I miss God's still, small voice when He calls me to pray. Busyness and my agenda tend to take over - drowning out God's voice. This summer, God has used the forest fire we went through to halt my agenda and stop the noise of busyness to hear Him. Praying for our country is constantly on my heart, mind, and soul. I praise the Lord God for His WAKE-UP call to pray for this Nation. Thank you for joining me on this prayer mission as we journey through "If My People."

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

DAY 1 - 40 DAY PRAYER JOURNEY - The Power of Prayer

DAY 1 - 40 DAY PRAYER JOURNEY - If My People - The Power of Prayer

Bible Prep: Habakkuk 1

"Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flow cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

Throughout our country's history, men and women have been called to make great sacrifices and give their time—and sometimes their very lives—so that we might enjoy freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With every challenge, we have risen to defend the nation we love and cherish.

Today, we face many of the same challenges as our forefathers. We have been at war for many years with those who wish to destroy our land and jeopardize our religious freedom. We find ourselves at a crossroads that will determine the direction of our country's future and the role of Christianity in our nation. The devoted prayers of all citizens will impact the future direction of our beloved country. (p.2)

Since our nation's first days, God's greatest movements in our midst have been fashioned and sustained by prayer, from the signing of our earliest documents to our triumphs over days of darkness to the spiritual awakenings that have sustained our faith and resolve over the centuries. Throughout scripture and our history as a nation, persistent, prevailing, intentional, and never-ending prayer has always brought the presence of God. (pg. 4)

How vast are the possibilities when we pray? Prayer is a wonderful power placed by the almighty God into the hands of His saints. When we humbly seek His face in prayer, He is moved to act on our behalf and accomplish His desires for us. (pg.4)

And when we seek God in prayer for our leaders, we impact the very direction our nation will take. This 40-Day Prayer Journey is designed to help quicken your prayers, encourage you to seek God's will for our future, and continually intercede on behalf of our nation. Prayerfully seek His face daily, believe your prayers are making a difference, and claim all victory that is and is to come! For there is tremendous power in prayer. (Pg. 4)

Father God,

We seek Your sovereign blessing on our nation. Forgive us for our shortcomings and the times when we have failed You. Draw us back to Your love and strengthen us as a nation to serve and honor You in all we do. May we forever be faithful to the calling that You have given us. We respectfully and humbly thank You for your continued blessing. In Jesus Name, Amen. (P.6)

"Look among the nations and watch - be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told to you." Hab. 1:5


Thank you for joining me on this 40-day prayer journey as we pray for our nation. The time is NOW! God has called us to band together in one accord. I look forward to hearing from you and what the Lord lays on your heart. Please share testimonies with us and post your prayers as the Lord leads.

You can order the booklet "If My People" on for $1.49. I encourage you to purchase 10 to give away and invite them to join our 40 Day Prayer Journey...

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

If My People Pray


3:38 AM. Tossing and turning. Darkness filled the room.

Frustrated, I said a quick prayer...

"Lord, help me fall back to sleep."

"Not now. I need you to WAKE UP."

"Wake up? But I'm so tired."

"I have an assignment for you."


"Yes. Right NOW! I'm calling all My children to band

together like never before, and WAKE UP. The battle

the world is facing is not against flesh and blood, like

the riots and anarchies, but against the rulers of

spiritual darkness of this age against spiritual hosts

of wickedness in the heavenly places."

"I know, Lord, but what can I do about it? I'm just one person in a million."

"Heed My voice. Remember what happened when

Moses stood in the gap for My rebellious children who

deserved death? I spared them because of one

man who chose to stand in the gap. (Psalm 106:23)

So, yes, each person called by My name who follows

Me closely will make a difference in My Kingdom."

Without wasting time, I headed to my prayer chair, grabbed my Bible and laptop, and said, "Ok, Lord, I'm ready. Lead and guide me in what to do next." At this point, I thought I was going to write a blog or FB post. But, no... this is what the Holy Spirit embedded in my heart... almost like a burning desire!

Pray continuously.

Pray without ceasing.

Pray in the watchtower.

Pray like the church in Acts.

Pray, believing that I am doing a mighty and great

work that you can not see.

Ask others to join you in this mission I have for My

children at this point in history.

Turning to Habakkuk, a short book containing only three chapters. Almost as if I was shaking, the Lord spoke through His Word... Hab. 1:1-4 is Habakkuk's complaint about the destruction, violence, wickedness, and perversion going on in the world around him. And, then, as if there is a crescendo in the scriptures, v.5 says, "Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told."

Reading on to Hab. 2:1, "I will take my stand at the watch post and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what He will say to me." At the end of chapter 3:17, before the Lord answers, Habakkuk says, "Though the fig tree should not blossom nor fruit be on the vines... Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God on my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength."

Again, I heard the still but stern voice, "WAKE UP! Notice, Carla. Habakkuk took his complaints, worries, and frustrations about what he saw happening around him and brought them to Me. Where have you been taking your worries and fears about the state America is in today? I'm the only One who can make a difference—the Creator of heaven and earth; I AM the Great I AM."

Now, it was clear what the Lord meant by WAKE UP! It wasn't about getting out of bed, but literally, WAKE UP and open your spiritual eyes to the deeper meaning of what is happening in the world. He was calling me to pray like never before! He has embedded a deep desire within me to pray for America, the election, support for Israel, division in our nation, the next generation, and so much more! . Praise God, for He has put this heartfelt desire within me.

As a result, for the next 40 days, I'm inviting all who would like to join me in praying together for our nation. I will post excerpts from this little booklet, "If My People" - A Prayer Guide for Our Nation, by Jack Countryman. You can order it on Amazon or other book websites for $2.99. I encourage you to purchase extras to give away! Together, let's pray like never before; like the church in Acts. Please comment below if you plan on joining this Prayer Mission for our Nation as One Nation Under God.

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Please pass this on to others so they can join our band of prayer!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal



A beautifully wrapped Christmas present glistening from the lights on the tree brings excitement, wonder, and joy. But why does a Christmas present have such a hopeful effect on us? Is it what’s inside, or the purpose of the gift, or the giver of the present?

Together, let’s dig deeper to find the true meaning and purpose. The word "Present" takes on two meanings...

1. The Here and Now

2. An Unmerited Gift

After reflecting on these descriptions, I realized "Christmas Present" takes on both definitions.


Whether we know it or not, “The Here and Now” memories form during this time of year. Last night, our son called to show us the Gingerbread House our three-year-old grandson was creating. Oh, I must say it was quite a creation with icing everywhere and candy stuck on every part of the house. Our grandson was talking non-stop about every little detail. I smile at the sweet "Here and Now" memories being made in their home this year.

This “Here and Now Season” fosters family traditions like singing Christmas carols, Candle Light services, reading the Christmas story, laughter, relatives gathering, the aroma of baked goods, decorating the tree, and so much more. Lifelong memories are building for your children and grandchildren. During the “Here and Now,” these young, impressionable minds must grasp the true reason for the season – Jesus. As parents and grandparents, we have the blessing to help create memories that last a lifetime—keeping Jesus as the focus leaves a lasting impression on their hearts, which leads to our second definition.


“Unmerited Gift” means “An unearned favor that doesn’t require something in return.” It is unconditional and given out of ultimate love. I remember waking up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree. Whether I deserved them or not, they were there. Opening each beautifully wrapped package brought excitement and anticipation. Learning to accept the gift with appreciation and humbleness was my part of the deal. As time passed, I realized it went beyond the material to the heart of the giver.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23

God’s Unmerited Gift – Jesus – is freely given to all who open their hearts and receive His gift of eternal life. Forever. Always. Nothing is expected in return. Build memories with Jesus at the center of each one.

CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE: May you experience both "Christmas Present" meanings this season: “The Here and Now” and “His Unmerited Gift.” Have fun building special memories with your children and grandchildren this year. And, don’t forget the greatest present of all… God’s Son, Jesus!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Christmas Message 4: Come One, Come All!

Christmas Message 4: Come One, Come All!

Christmas reminiscing. What memories pop into your head? Possibly the festive meals, the beautifully wrapped presents, or waiting all night to hear the sleigh bells jingle on the rooftop? Maybe your thoughts linger to moments of family gatherings. My heart rests here.

In my childhood, Christmas opened the door to family and friends. Not just immediate family but extended family. Christmas Eve was an invitation for all the relatives to pop in. From the morning until night, my grandmother’s house represented a revolving door. Each year, it seemed like I met a new batch of cousins I had no idea existed! Then, as evening approached, we all loaded up in cars and headed to my great aunt and uncle’s house to experience her “Open Door Policy.” I remember the difficulty finding places to park due to the number of visitors. Just thinking about the hugs warms my heart. She always hosted a variety of desserts no one could resist. Then, later in the evening, we would make our way to my mom’s side of the family. The moment we entered the house, love and laughter filled the air. Oh, what memories to behold!

I must confess–I have fallen into the trap of thinking my house must have the “perfect” Christmas look before I invite people for dinner or a gathering. This way of thinking is so far from my relative’s mindset. They never worried if the colors matched or all the tree lights worked. They just invited ALL to come.

"Dear God, thank you for the example of the heart of my relatives. May I continue to pass this same tradition on to the next generations. Amen."

For some, Christmas memories aren’t as pleasant and sweet. Statistics show depression rises during this time of year. Possibly, your memories consist of broken family relationships, loneliness, financial stresses, loss of a loved one, unmet expectations, and more. Please be assured God loves you and can break any chains from the past, so He uses your story for His glory.

Christmas Challenge… Why does Christmas bring families together? What makes this time of year a drawing factor for relatives? How can this year be impactful for years to come? One suggestion: use this time to pray for these relatives you only visit once a year. Ask God how to pray for them. God has placed you in your family for a reason. You might be the one God silently calls to stand in the gap. Pray that they know Jesus personally, as Lord and Savior. Have a blessed time creating Christmas memories for generations to come.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Christmas Message 3: Wise Men Still Seek Jesus

From the Heart of God's Word...

Christmas Message 3: Wise Men Still Seek Jesus

Imagine The Wise Men just doing their thing… being WISE. When suddenly, they notice a Star beaming in the East. With all their wisdom and knowledge of scripture, they recall Numbers 24:17, "A Star shall come out of Jacob; A Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and batter the brow of Moab and destroy all the sons of tumult."

These men didn’t sit around contemplating the situation. They moved into action. With little time to waste, they headed to the East, following the Star. Imagine their journey. Possibly, they were singing songs of praise or contemplating what they would say first. With every step, their hearts beat faster and faster. Keeping their eyes on the Star, their pilgrimage ended at a humble home in the little town of Bethlehem.

The excitement pounding in their hearts resembled their knock on the door. As the door opened, they see the toddler standing next to his mother. The long-awaited Yeshua, their Messiah, humbly standing in the midst of them. With arms open, they run toward the child and fall on their knees before Him in worship and praise. Immediately, they reach into their bags. One by one, they laid their treasured gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh at the feet of the young boy – their King! Tears pooled beneath them. Physically weary yet energized spiritually, they left to return home. Wow, what a trip that must have been!

Digging deeper, we must grasp that the Wise Men’s gifts had purpose and meaning…

GOLD symbolized Royalty – Representing Jesus as The King of the Jews.

FRANKINCENSE was a Fragrance - used in the temple to represent Jesus’s priesthood.

MYRHH was an Embalming Ointment – Prophesying Jesus’ Death.

God had it all planned. He directed The Wise Men, not only with the Star but with the perfect gifts! With these three presents, God provided Joseph and Mary with the financial resources needed to flee to Egypt, escaping the wrath of Herod. These gifts provided not only physical purpose but also spiritual significance. God used The Wise Men as His hands and feet here on earth. Oh, what we can learn from these men of God.

Christmas 2023 Challenge… May this Christmas be one you will remember as life-changing. Not because of the gifts you receive or places you go but because of the unseen gifts you give to others. One of the most precious presents you can give someone is the gift of prayer. I challenge all of us to be “Prayer Givers” this Christmas season. The most beautiful thing about this gift is… It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal