Christmas Message 4: Come One, Come All!
Christmas reminiscing. What memories pop into your head? Possibly the festive meals, the beautifully wrapped presents, or waiting all night to hear the sleigh bells jingle on the rooftop? Maybe your thoughts linger to moments of family gatherings. My heart rests here.
In my childhood, Christmas opened the door to family and friends. Not just immediate family but extended family. Christmas Eve was an invitation for all the relatives to pop in. From the morning until night, my grandmother’s house represented a revolving door. Each year, it seemed like I met a new batch of cousins I had no idea existed! Then, as evening approached, we all loaded up in cars and headed to my great aunt and uncle’s house to experience her “Open Door Policy.” I remember the difficulty finding places to park due to the number of visitors. Just thinking about the hugs warms my heart. She always hosted a variety of desserts no one could resist. Then, later in the evening, we would make our way to my mom’s side of the family. The moment we entered the house, love and laughter filled the air. Oh, what memories to behold!
I must confess–I have fallen into the trap of thinking my house must have the “perfect” Christmas look before I invite people for dinner or a gathering. This way of thinking is so far from my relative’s mindset. They never worried if the colors matched or all the tree lights worked. They just invited ALL to come.
"Dear God, thank you for the example of the heart of my relatives. May I continue to pass this same tradition on to the next generations. Amen."
For some, Christmas memories aren’t as pleasant and sweet. Statistics show depression rises during this time of year. Possibly, your memories consist of broken family relationships, loneliness, financial stresses, loss of a loved one, unmet expectations, and more. Please be assured God loves you and can break any chains from the past, so He uses your story for His glory.
Christmas Challenge… Why does Christmas bring families together? What makes this time of year a drawing factor for relatives? How can this year be impactful for years to come? One suggestion: use this time to pray for these relatives you only visit once a year. Ask God how to pray for them. God has placed you in your family for a reason. You might be the one God silently calls to stand in the gap. Pray that they know Jesus personally, as Lord and Savior. Have a blessed time creating Christmas memories for generations to come.
From My Heart to Yours,
Carla McDougal