What does it mean to have a Thankful Heart? Why not a Thankful Mouth? Or a Thankful Face?

As in water, face reflects face, so a man’s heart reveals the man. Proverbs 27:19 (NKJV)

Man looks on the outside, while God focuses on the inside. Our character is created within the heart of man. The more we love Jesus, the more we reflect Him in our conversations and our actions. As we seek His face, we become His reflection. It all begins in the heart…

A Thankful Heart produces…

A Thankful Attitude that creates…

Thankful Expressions and Pleasant Words.

The best way to teach our children and grandchildren this concept is by example. They watch us like hawks and listen to every word we say. What flows from our hearts through our actions, attitudes, and words pours into them like empty vessels waiting to be filled.

This Thanksgiving, we have a wonderful opportunity to be an example of a Thankful Heart. For example, look beyond the delicious food to the love poured into preparing the feast. Appreciate those who spent hours shopping, creating the family meal, and who provided the food. A Thankful Heart… loves, speaks words of encouragement, serves others, lends a hand at the cleanup, and is grateful in all circumstances.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His Truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:5

Blessings for a wonderful Thanksgiving... From My Heart to Yours!

A Christmas Message: Hidden in the Word "Silent" is "Listen"

A Christmas Message: Hidden in the Word "Silent" is "Listen" (Luke 1:5-38;57-80)

Zacharias was one of the older priests in the church. God viewed him and his wife, Elizabeth, as righteous and blameless because they walked in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. Even though she was advanced in years, her desire for children lingered in her heart and mind.

One day while Zacharias was serving the Lord, the lot fell upon him to go into the Temple of the Lord to burn the incense. Imagine the situation: Zacharias walks into the Temple to perform the regular religious routine while the assembled worshipers pray outside the Temple. Suddenly, Zacharias comes face-to-face with an angel who says,

"Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. He will be great in the sight of the Lord... He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. He will go before Him in spirit and power of Elijah..."

Zacharias said to the angel, "How shall I know this. For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years."

Oops, Zacharias messed up. His response reflects doubt, unbelief, and even fear.

As a result, the angel, Gabriel, basically says to Zacharias, "Because you doubted and didn't believe my words, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place."

At this point, what thoughts poured into Zacharias' mind? Was he confused? Did he recognize the angel was from God? Together, let's think beyond the obvious into the heart and mind of Zacharias.

If Zacharias was asked to write an article for the local newspaper describing his experience, he might have written it something like this...

"Shock and doubt absorbed my thoughts. Why was I filled with fear in the midst of one of my greatest priesthood moments? Questions erupted in my mind. Is this the angel of death or an angel of the Lord? Is this my imagination or reality? At this point, I was shaking with fear.

Within seconds, my eyes met face-to-face with the angel. He said, "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for I hear your prayer. Your wife will bear you a son, and you shall name him John." Immediately, doubt escalated. Elizabeth and I prayed for God to bless us with a child, but our barren years were over. We are way too old.

The angel went on to say, "The Holy Spirit will fill your child, even from his mother's womb… to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." Without thinking, I shouted, "How shall I know this?" Immediately, I felt the tug of remorse. Regret embedded in my heart. Looking deep within my soul, the angel of the Lord exclaims, "You will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place because you did not believe My words."

I opened my mouth to apologize, but not a word or sound released. I tried again and again, but nothing. Suddenly, the angel vanished. Now, a heavy burden lay upon my shoulders. Why, in the midst of serving the Lord Most High, did I doubt that He was answering our life-long prayer?

Exiting the Temple, I noticed the large crowd of people waiting outside. I tried to share my experience with all my might, but not a sound escaped—a look of confusion formed on their faces. Whispers rippled through the mob. As my eyes met Elizabeth's, the angel of the Lord's words resounded, Your son will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. Suddenly, in my silence, the world around me dissipated.

Frustrated, yet encouraged.

Confused, yet calm.

Fearful, yet humbled.

To my surprise, within a few days, my wife, Elizabeth, conceived a child. For a little over nine months, we didn't leave our home. Still, not a word exited my mouth. Not a peep! In the days of silence, humbleness filled my heart. God's grace, mercy, and love poured over me. In the quiet, I listened to the voice of the Almighty. A life change stirred deep within my soul. I longed to share it with Elizabeth. But how? I trusted in God's perfect timing that one day I would be able to use my voice to explain this transformation.

The day finally arrived. Elizabeth brought forth our son. Relatives and friends rejoiced with us over this miracle baby. Praises to God echoed through the valleys and hills south of Jerusalem. On day eight, when babies are circumcised, the officials ask my wife what name to give the boy. I smiled as she boldly said, "His name is John." The authorities began arguing with her because no one in our family carried that name. Turning to me, they motioned for me to write the name down. I open my mouth and shouted, "His name shall be called John!"

Amazement overwhelms me as well as those who heard my response. Again the angel of the Lord's words surfaced, "You will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time." Filled with the Holy Spirit, I dropped to my knees and began praising God. All in God's perfect timing.

Praise released.

Humbleness flowed.

Love ignited.

CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE… Notice how all this happened to Zacharias while he was serving the Lord. How many times do we question or doubt God in the midst of serving Him? How often do we allow fear to overtake us as God is answering our prayers? So many times, it is in silent moments, God teaches us the most how to listen to His voice. Are you experiencing the silence? Are you listening?

Hidden in the word SILENT is the word LISTEN. Scramble the letters to find both. Like Zacharias, God has so much to teach us about trusting Him even when things don't make sense.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal



Just over a year ago, my 4-year-old granddaughter and I were on FaceTime together. All of a sudden, she leaned in and said in a tender, yet bold tone, "Mammy, REMEMBER Jesus is our ONLY HOPE." Needless to say, tears immediately emerged. Then she squeezed her fists together and placed them on her heart and said, "Oh, Mammy, I have so many Jesus' in my heart." By this time tears were literally streaming down my face as she went on to describe her "Jesus Party" she wanted to have for all her friends so she can tell them all about Him. Even now, in my prayer chair, as I write these words tears well up and praise ignites for how God has captured her heart.

I'm quickly reminded of Deuteronomy 11:18-21

“You shall, therefore, lay up these words of Mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens are above the earth."

After hanging up the phone, these thoughts flooded my mind: Do I trust that Jesus is my ONLY HOPE when our nation seems to be crumbling? Do I have a hunger and urgency, like my granddaughter, to tell others about Jesus? Do I praise God to the point of so much excitement that I can't keep it to myself?

Immediately, I began to pray...

"Lord, thank you for using the heart of my granddaughter to remind me that Jesus is our ONLY HOPE. Lord, draw me even closer to You so that I truly hunger to share Jesus with others. Forgive me for focusing on the world around me and taking my eyes off of Jesus. I pray for children across this nation to have a heart for You. May parents follow You so closely that they are a vivid reflection of Jesus to their children. May parents teach their children at home about Your Word, Your precepts, Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. I pray that moms and dads would instill in their children a healthy fear of the Lord, meaning a true deep down respect for Him and Hi Word. In Jesus Holy Name. Amen."

CHALLENGE: Today, may each of us examine our hearts. Is God calling you to be a voice for His Kingdom and share the love of Christ with others? How can you make a difference for the Kingdom of God in our nation now? Right, where you live, walk, travel, even in your home?

For me, God is calling me to PRAYER and ACTION. He is stirring something deep within my heart and soul. I'm finding the Lord waking me up around 3:00am every morning to pray. This morning, I experienced a "fresh wind" as I was praying for our nation and this next generation. All of a sudden, I could hear my granddaughter's voice say, "Mammy, remember Jesus is our ONLY HOPE." Passion filled my heart, mind, and soul as I jumped out of bed and got on my knees, "Lord, here I am. Forgive me for falling prey to the idea that America is TOO far gone. You are our ONLY HOPE! Turn us from our wicked ways and awaken our souls to the biblical truths in Your Word. We ask for repentance to ignite across this country for the ways we have sat back and allowed laws to be passed that don't protect the biblical foundation America was built upon. Humbly, I thank You for Your mercy that we don't deserve, yet you promise when we pray and turn from our sinful ways you forgive us. In the name above all names, Jesus. Amen."


For all those who are experiencing Life Changes please read and pass it on to others...


(Excerpt from my book - SOLD OUT: Live for Jesus)

Adjustments. Transitions. Changes. For many, shifting from one season to another is difficult.

The changeover comes in a variety of ways, such as marriage, a pregnancy, a new job, health issues, the death of a loved one, a divorce, or moving to a new town.

As for me, one of the most difficult changes was when the last of our four children left for college. Not only was Carly Jo the last to leave our home, but she was also our only daughter. I dreaded the day when we would move her into her dorm at Texas A&M University. I tried to hide the inevitable and block it from my mind. However, God knew my heart.

One morning, while scanning the Internet, this image, "Changes—Next Exit" popped up on my computer screen. Immediately, God stirred something deep within me. These thoughts lit up like a neon sign in my mind. Parenting is like a road trip. Travelers must be aware of the road conditions and the signs. Following the map is crucial to reaching the planned destination. I quickly opened up a blank word document and began writing...

Overcome with emotion. Not prepared for the inevitable. Hasn’t this parenting trip just started? I’m not ready to journey to "Changes!" Beyond the exit, I see a roadblock on the highway: "Entering the Danger Zone." I have no choice but to exit NOW!

Thoughts rush in... "But I’m not prepared to travel through Changes. I thought this road was miles ahead? At least it appeared that way."

Suddenly, I hear God’s familiar, gentle voice...

"My daughter, My child, "Changes" is your only choice. If you continue on this parenting road trip at the same speed, you’ll eventually crash into My roadblock. I put it there for a reason. I’ve allowed your children, actually My children, to ride with you on Life’s Highway for the first part of their lives. Now, each one drives with Me— ALONE. I need you to exit. This journey to "Changes" will be difficult and full of twists and turns. Starting out, the scenery is barren. Yes, like a desert. Please trust Me to lead you through this next phase of the parenting trip. I promise... an oasis awaits you. Follow Me closely. Thank you for guiding and directing your children to Me. Now, get ready for a new and fresh adventure.

Oh, as a reminder, this parenting trip is not for you to control, but for Me to lead. I’ve allowed you to be a big part of your children’s journey. But your role is changing. I still need you to be in their lives, praying for them to love Me with all their hearts and praying for My purposes to be accomplished through them. Thank you for deciding to travel through "Changes" with Me. I am proud of you. Wait until you see what’s on the other side of this adventure."

Without thinking, I exit the ramp to "Changes." Leaving this part of the parenting trip leads to tears, heartache, and anguish. This road is all I’ve known for so many years.

My heart’s cry is to follow God’s roadmap. I don’t want to divert from His way, but my emotions fly in all directions. With hands-on the wheel and my heart lifted in praise, I cry out to God...

"I never expected this journey to "Changes" to be so difficult. Jesus, I need you more and more each day. Help me follow You with my everything. You are the author and finisher of our family. You love my children more than I do. I trust You completely. I know we’ve completed this part of the parenting trip, and You have a fresh adventure ahead. Help me not live in the past, but focus on Your road map of directions—Your Word. Thank you for allowing me to mother these four children and for the blessings of being their prayer warrior. Also, help me not miss the scenery on this journey to Changes. I praise You for the rest stops along the way called "Grace and Mercy." Sweet sanctuaries to refuel and refresh. I choose to praise You through the journey to "Changes."

Suddenly, my attitude shifts. A smile emerges. Excitement ignites. The Holy Spirit activates a yearning in my heart. Once again, this phrase resounds, "Life is not about me, but all about Him." Humbleness envelops my soul. I remember 3 John 4... "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth." I am ready, Lord. Ready to journey to "Changes!"

This blog post represented my life in the summer of 2012. God allowed this journey to "Changes" to be a sweet time of surrender and trust. I praise Him for all He taught me along the way. Entering the empty nest isn’t easy, but a necessary and exciting season. To all who have gone before me - Thank you for the wisdom. For all who follow me - May you be encouraged to take advantage of every opportunity to teach your children about an intimate relationship with Jesus. The journey to Changes is inevitable.


Is your life in transition? Are you speeding down life’s highway without realizing the exit to "Changes" looms ahead? Are there stops you should have made along the way? Is anxiety building? Maybe you are tired, yet refreshed. Exhausted, yet relieved. Be encouraged and trust God’s road signs. This "Changes" exit causes you to slow down and reflect. Remember, God designed this roadmap for His glory. Enjoy the journey. With excitement, move forward focusing on God’s Word, prayer, and living out His Truths. Ask God to help you follow His roadmap for your life. And don’t miss the rest stops God provides along the way. Give it your all and live sold out for Jesus


Today is a very significant day... The Day of Pentecost, the 50th day after Resurrection Day (Easter). God opened my eyes to a powerful new Truth this morning. I’m overwhelmed. Prayers of praise ring in my heart and soul.

Note: Pentecost took place exactly 50 days after the Passover and is one of the feasts celebrated by the Jews every year.

Act 2:1-4 says, “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

Here goes, my heart rejoices in all the Holy Spirit is revealing through God’s Word! Pentecost is a reversal of the scattering of languages and nations that happened at the Tower of Babel back in Genesis 11. Instead of spreading the nations out, by the Spirit and through the Gospel, God is bringing them back together in the collective body of Christ. Before Jesus’ death and resurrection, He told His disciples it’s for your good that I go away so that the Holy Spirit can come. Of course, they didn’t understand this until that moment, the Day of Pentecost, exactly 50 days after His resurrection. Now, as believers in Jesus, we have in indwelling of the Holy Spirit - His Spirit. Instead of being confused and scattered, we are one, with one purpose - to proclaim the message of Jesus to the world.

As I watch all the confusion in the world today - the pandemic, violence, riots, selfish motives, hatred, and more - Today, on the Day of Pentecost, I’m reminded of the gift the believers have been given. The Holy Spirit is here! Living in believers. He brings us into one accord. After Act 2, we see over and over again “believers gathered and prayed in one accord.” Praise the Lord, we have the Holy Spirit to be our helper, guide, counselor, and always pointing us the the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus.

I encourage all of us to keep our eyes open, prayer in one accord, and share the message of Christ daily. Jesus is alive!


FROM THE HEART OF PETER is a blog devotional series I wrote a few years ago. Although the insights are not absolutes, they present possible thoughts and actions of Peter throughout scripture. Enjoy the journey. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.


Author - Carla McDougal

Based on Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-27; Mark 14:66-72

"While he was speaking… The rooster crowed. Jesus turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered Jesus’ words – 'Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.' Peter went out and wept bitterly." -Luke 22:60-62 (NKJV)

The dwindling fire resembles the dying passion in my heart. What once was a blaze of glory, now mirrors only embers of guilt and shame. Jesus’ words echo in my mind. This pain is almost too much for me to bear. Images of the past three years play over and over in my head. I don’t understand. It doesn’t make sense. Why would Jesus leave us? Why did I deny knowing Him? Nothing makes sense anymore. We can’t go on without Him–Our leader, Our master, Our teacher. I should have listened more intently when He was with us?

But… I DENIED HIM… not once or twice, but three times.

This silence feels like torture. Confusion clouds my thoughts. God, help me understand. I don’t know what to do. If only I had another chance to touch His robe and plead for His forgiveness.

Again, the vision of Jesus’ face appears, yet like a vapor, it vanishes. I recall His lectures by the Sea of Galilee, His miraculous miracles, and even the moment He walked on water. How could I forget the time He looked into the depths of my soul and said, “You are Peter, and on this Rock I will build My church.”

In the stillness, I wipe my eyes, take a deep breath, and let out a sigh, Well, I guess that part of my life is over. Where do I go from here?”

All of a sudden, the sound of waves crashing on the shoreline catches my attention. A thought rushes in, “I still have my boat and my fishing equipment. I guess it’s back to the life of a fisherman.

Grabbing a handful of dirt, I toss it over the coals to quench the fire… a true reflection of my once burning passion to serve Jesus now smothered by guilt, shame, and regret.

Forever defeated, or so I thought.

LIFE CHALLENGE – Are you living in defeat? Do you live with regret? Have you rejected knowing Jesus… maybe not verbally, but with your actions or your silence? Are you still weeping over your sin? If you are a believer in Jesus, you are forgiven for past, present, and future transgressions. As you repent, trust that you are forgiven. Then walk forward in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray 911

Are you in need of prayer?

Here's an idea from my book, "SOLD OUT: Live for Jesus" (pg. 15)...


He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. —Psalm 91:1

Turmoil surged. Tears poured. Confusion erupted. Negative thoughts bombarded my mind. I felt like I was in a war zone.

Dropping to the floor, I cried out for God’s strength and protection from this oppression... "God, there is no way I can speak at this women’s retreat! I am too weak. How can you use me if I feel this way? I just want to crawl into a hole."

Suddenly, Psalm 91:1 popped into my head, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Opening my Bible, I read all of Psalm 91. In seconds, I found myself praising God for allowing me to suffer through this mental chaos and utter confusion. My weakness opened the door to a fresh experience with Jesus.

That evening, as I walked onto the stage, the Holy Spirit strengthened me from head to toe in the shadow of the Almighty. The Lord God receives all of the glory!

The next day, I shared my experience with one of my close friends. With a gentle answer, she said, "Carla, when this happens to you, call or text me so I can pray for you!" I told her I didn’t realize what was happening at the time but agreed to call or text her if it happened again.

This conversation lingered in my mind. Later that evening, I read Psalm 91 again. I focused on Psalm 91:1 and to my surprise, this is what I saw—911. My heart pounded with excitement! Thoughts ignited. The next time I experience one of these spiritual warfare attacks, I need to text - PRAY 911 - to my prayer team! I jumped up and started praising God for how He works in and through our situations.


I challenge you to use this same method. Ask God to raise an emergency prayer team, so that in the midst of a difficult situation, circumstance, or spiritual attack, you can text—PRAY 911. They don’t have to know the details. God knows them. Through prayer, He gives us the opportunity to participate in eternity here on earth. Standing in the gap for one another is a two-way blessing. Share this new idea with others. As God leads you to form or join a PRAY 911 team, don’t hesitate to live sold out for Him as you pray for others.


Read Psalm 91. Write out the verse or verses that touch your heart. Ask God to reveal why this section speaks to you. Call out to Him to help you put this verse to action and live for Him.

Prayers of The Saints

Once again, God's Word speaks.

Ever wonder what God does with all your prayers? Get ready to be BLOWN AWAY!

I'm working my way through the book of Revelation... Word-by-Word. This morning, I read Rev. 5:8,

"Now when He (The Lamb of God) had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden GOLDEN BOWLS FULL of INCENSE, which are the PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS."

WOW! All the prayers we pray are so sacred to the Lord that He intentionally holds each prayer, not in wooden bowls or even silver bowls, but GOLDEN BOWLS in heaven. He refers to each prayer as "Incense" - A Sweet Aroma. Reading on, I come to Rev. 8:1-6,

"When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound."

As these golden bowls fill up, the prayers are mingled with incense creating a pleasing aroma to God. Imagine this moment, as the bowls begin to spill over, an angel takes the censor dipped in incense and prayers, and showers the fire of God to the earth.

God quickly reminded me of 2 Chronicles 7:14... "God said, 'If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.'"

The "fire from the altar" is the power of God released from heaven to change the earth. As our prayers are lifted to God, the golden bowls are filled until they reach a point when the bowls tip and pour out God's power and provision on the earth.

When God's people pray earnestly, the "effective, fervent prayer of the righteous" avails much (James 5:16). This is not begging God, but BELIEVING HIM in all things. Allowing the Holy Spirit to spiritually lead our prayers is key to a fervent and intentional prayer life. So that, in God's perfect timing, He mixes our prayers with the fire of God (His Power) and cast them back down to earth.

God designed prayer for all believers to participate with Him in eternity while we are still on this earth. I must admit, I fail in so many ways as a "fervent prayer warrior." But, through God's Word this morning, He ignited a fresh fire on prayer in my heart and soul.

To be honest, 2020 tested my prayer life in many ways. I've found myself waking up in the middle of the night literally crying out to God on behalf of our country and the election. Even in the midst of praying, doubt would flood my mind as God reminded me to trust Him even though we don't see results. I wavered back and forth as I continued to pray for His will to prevail. Honestly, in my lifetime I've never seen so many believers coming together in prayer and crying out to God for His Will to prevail in this country and election. Believers are waking up in the middle of the night crying out to God for our country to turn back to Jesus. Even yesterday, I cried out, "Lord, please hear the cries of Your Children!" Again, unzipping my heart, in the midst of praying a slight doubt was in my heart."

UNTIL THIS MORNING! God, through His Word, reminded me that all His Children's prayers are being collected in the golden bowls to mixed the sweet aroma of incense that will be ignited with the fire from God's altar and thrown to earth in God's perfect timing.

Today, I encourage all of us to pray for the Senators and Representatives who will be meeting tomorrow, Jan 6. Together, let's fill the Golden Prayer Bowls asking God to stir the heart of each Senator and Representative to personally seek the truth in the election fraud and to vote honestly and selflessly. Pray for Light to shine in the dark areas and for TRUTH to prevail! Please pray for Senator Cruz who is leading a pack of Senators who oppose the electoral vote. I also HIGHLY encourage you to send an email or call your Senators and Representative to voice your opinion on voter fraud and the integrity of the 2020 election. If you need the names, numbers, and emails please message me and I will send them to you.

"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16