
DAY 11 of NEW START '15

How many thoughts do you have a day...

A thousand?

One-hundred thousand?

A zillion?

Thoughts constantly bombard the mind... positive and negative. No doubt, the world around us influences our thought process. The enemy, Satan, consistently targets our minds with the goal of igniting ungodly thinking. Combating his tactics are vital.


By filling our minds with God’s Word, praise and worship music, conversations with God, and godly discussions help keep us focused on Jesus throughout the day. Asking God to help change our "Thought Life to a Prayer Life" is key.

In 2 Corinthians 10:1-6, Paul tells us to, Bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Is he focusing only on negative thoughts? Or, just positive thoughts? No, Paul tells us to take EVERY thought to Jesus. So, if we take captive our zillion thoughts a day how often are we talking to God? ALL DAY LONG!

Awe, now we're getting somewhere. God desires His children to have a living, walking, breathing relationship with Him 24/7. Asking the Lord to help us change our "Thought Life to a Prayer Life" changes our daily focus, our minds, and our actions. We end up having moment-by-moment conversations with Him everywhere we go. As a result, we become His prayer walkers.

The more we communicate with the Lord, the more we the words of Jesus flow through us... Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength.–Mark 12:30

Love the Lord with all your mind? What does the mind have to do with your spiritual life? How is it possible to love God with your mind? The Greek word for the word mind, in Mark 12:30, is dianoia, which means the place in the brain that understands, feels and thinks. This area of the brain discerns, perceives and distinguishes thoughts - good or wrong.[1]

Jesus is commanding us to... Love the Lord with all your mind. Just like physical food nourishes the body, so spiritual food cultivates the mind. What we allow into our minds has the potential to ignite godly thoughts or fleshly desires. The television shows, movies, books, and internet articles affect our thought process. Asking God to help us discern what we read or view is vital to keeping our mind focused on Jesus.


Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to clear your mind of the daily agendas, worries, fears, and burdens. Focus on His Word. Open your heart and mind to all He has for you. Choose to experience the warmth of God’s love by abiding in Jesus. Allow Him to renew your mind through prayer, by reading His Word and applying the truths to your life. Finally, ask God to help you change your "Thought Life to a Prayer Life." In our flesh, if we try to do this ourselves we will fail. The Holy Spirit equips us in living a praying life. Release it to Him and watch what happens. Enjoy the journey as He changes your thoughts to prayers!

*THOUGHT LIFE to a PRAYER LIFE" is an excerpt from Carla McDougal's newest book "LIVE FOR HIM: A Life Sold Out to Jesus" soon to release in spring 2015.

MY PRAYER CHAIR Audio Book is now available. Listen to a chapter sample...


Purchase your copy today at REFLECTIVE LIFE MINISTRIES

From My Heart To Yours,

Carla McDougal




I joined team of bloggers, authors, and speakers who have a heart for sharing the Truth of God's Word. Together, we are joining forces to spread the message of living in holiness through God's Word. Want to join the NEW START '15 campaign? We offer a free January Bible Reading Devotional, Facebook Page, Resource List, and Daily Blog Roll. I'm excited to see what God has planned through this combined effort! Today my dear friend Kathy Howard kickstarts the campaign as my special blog guest...

Want a New Start in 2015?

I love the “undo” button on my laptop. You know the one - that little arrow that curves to the left. When you click it, the last thing you did magically disappears.

Sometimes I wish life had an “undo” button. I could click it to magically erase the unkind words I blurted. Or wipe out my selfish behavior. Or eliminate that wrong decision. To “undo” all those things that brought unwanted consequences or now weigh heavy on my conscience.

Yep. In fact, sometimes it would be great to start over all together. To get a clean slate. To get a complete do-over.

Guess what? If you’re a Christian, that’s exactly what you got when you entered into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. And sister, if things have gotten a bit off track since then, it’s not too late to undo and start new. In fact, now is a great time for a NEW START.

If you’d like to “undo” a few things or even start new on a bigger scale, consider joining me for “New Start 15.” During January, a few friends and I will be leading a month-long journey into holiness. Together we’ll explore what it looks like to become a “new creation in Christ,” to practically live out the set-apart, holy life to which God calls us.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 2:17, NIV

The “old” life looks like the world around us. And it’s burdened with the weight and consequences of worldly living. But the “new” life is radically different from the world, holy and set apart to God.

There is glorious freedom and joy in living a life of holiness. Freedom from the weight and consequences of sin. And joy in a deeper intimacy with our holy God.

Do you like the sound of freedom and joy? The chance for a New Start? Our God is the God of second chances, clean slates, and do-overs.

Participation in New Start 15 is simple. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • Use the New Start 15 Bible Reading Plan in your personal quite time January 5 – 23. (Free download)

  • Like the New Start 15 Facebook page to keep up with daily devotional blog posts, get words of encouragement, and share thoughts from your own journey. (You can also download the New Start 15 bloggers list and schedule.)

  • Follow the New Start 15 “blog hop” January 5-23 (weekdays only) as the New Start 15 team blogs about living the new, holy life in Christ.

  • Check out the New Start 15 Resources List for books, Bible studies, blog posts, printables and more to help you on your journey. (Free Download)

  • Invite your friends to join you in the New Start 15 journey by sending them the link to this post.

Do you long for deep intimacy with God? Do you desire for your life to please and glorify Him? Do you want your life to point others to Jesus? If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions, then New Start 15 is for you! Join us in January as we dig into God’s Word to find out what He says about living the new, holy life in Christ.

Are you ready for a New Start? I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments. Or simply let me know you’re in! Happy New Year!

Christian author and Speaker, Kathy Howard, has been teaching the Bible for over 20 years to a varied audience. She has a Masters in Christian Education from the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary.Kathy and her husband live in the Houston, TX area and have three children, two son-in-laws, and one precious grandbaby.



Zacharias - one of the older priests in the church. God viewed he and his wife, Elizabeth, as righteous and blameless because they walked in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. Advanced in years, she was still barren.

One day while he was serving the Lord the lot fell upon him to go into the temple of the Lord to burn the incense. Image the moment... He walks in to accomplish the normal religious routine. Outside the multitude are praying for the act of service. All at once, Zacharias comes face-to-face with an angel...

I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, was sent to speak to you (Zacharias Father of John the Baptist) and bring you these glad tidings. But behold, you will be mute and not speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time. Luke 1:19-20

* Please read Luke 1:5-15 and 57-80 to fully understand this next section.

At this point, what thoughts poured into Zacharias' mind? Was he confused? Did he recognize the angel was from God? Together, let's think beyond the obvious into the heart of Zacharias...

Shock and doubt absorb my thoughts. Why in the midst of one of my greatest priesthood moments am I filled with fear? Questions erupt. This must be the angel of death, not an angel of the Lord.

My eyes meet face-to-face with the angel as he says, "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for I hear your prayer. Your wife will bear you a son, and you shall name him John." Again doubt escalates. Elizabeth and I prayed for God to bless us with a child, but now we are too advanced in years. Our barren years are over.

He goes on to say, "The Holy Spirit will fill him, even from his mother's womb... to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." Without thinking I shout, "How shall I know this?" Immediately, remorse fills me. Regret embeds my heart. Looking deep within my soul, the angel of the Lord exclaims, "You will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place because you did not believe My words."

I open my mouth to apologize, but not a word or sound releases. I tried again and again, but nothing. In a moment's notice, the angel vanishes. Now, a heavy burden lay upon my shoulders. Why in the middle of serving the Lord Most High did I doubt His answer to my prayer?

Exiting the Temple, I notice the large crowd of people waiting outside. With all my might, I try to share my experience, but not a peep emerges. A look of confusion forms on their faces. Whispers ripple through the mob. As my eyes meet Elizabeth's, the angel of the Lord's words resound... Your son will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. All of a sudden, in my silence the world around me dissipates.

Frustrated, yet encouraged.

Confused, yet calm.

Fearful, yet humble.

To my surprise within a few days my wife, Elizabeth, conceives a child. For a little over nine months, we didn't leave our home. Still, no word from my mouth. Not a peep. In these days of silence, humbleness overwhelms my heart. God's grace, mercy and love pours upon me. In the quiet, I listen to the voice of the Almighty. A life change stirs deep within my soul. I long to share it with Elizabeth. But how? I trust in God's timing I will be able to use my voice to explain this transformation.

The day finally arrives. Elizabeth brings forth our son. Relatives and friends rejoice with us over this miracle baby. Praises to God echo through the valleys and hills south of Jerusalem. On day eight, when babies are circumcised, the officials ask my wife what name to give the boy. I smile as she boldly says, "John." The authorities begin arguing with her because no one in our family carried that name. Turning to me they motion for me to write the name down. I open my mouth and shout, "His name shall be called John!"

Amazement overwhelms me. Again the angel of the Lord's words surface, You will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time. Filled with the Holy Spirit, I drop to my knees and begin praising God. All in God's perfect timing. Praise releases. Humbleness flows. Love ignites.

CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK... Notice how all this happened to Zacharias while he was serving the Lord. How many times do we question or doubt God in the midst of serving Him? How often do we allow fear to overtake us as God is answering our prayers? It is in the silent times that we learn to listen. Are you experiencing the silence? Are you listening? Hidden in the word SILENT is the word LISTEN. Scramble the letters to find both. Hmm... Like Zacharias we can all learn something from this little assignment.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries



For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:23

Recalling last week's post, Christmas Memories - Past, we took a step back in time reviewing Christmas' in our childhood. This week we move into Christmas Memories - Present. The word present has two meanings: a) the here and now, b) an unmerited gift. After reflecting on these descriptions, I realize Christmas Memories - Present takes on both definitions.

The Here and Now...

Whether we know it or not, memories occur during this time of year. In the form of traditions, singing Christmas carols, Candle Light services, reading the Christmas story, laughter, relatives gathering, the aroma of baked goods, decorating the tree, and so much more. At this present time, lifelong memories are building for your children and grandchildren. During the "Here and Now" these young, impressionable minds are given the opportunity to grasp the true reason for the season - Jesus. We, as parents and grandparents, have the blessing to help create memories that last a lifetime. Keeping Jesus as the focus leaves a lasting impression on their hearts, which leads to our second definition of Christmas Memories - Present.

An Unmerited Gift...

What does this mean? Unmerited Gift? By definition, it is an unearned favor and doesn't require something in return. It is unconditional and given out of ultimate love.I remember waking up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree. Whether I deserved them or not they were there. Opening each beautifully wrapped package brought excitement and anticipation. Learning to accept the gift with appreciation and humbleness was my part of the deal. As time passed, I realized it went beyond the material to the heart of the giver.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God's Unmerited Gift - Jesus - is freely given to ALL, who open their hearts and receive His gift of eternal life. Forever. Always. Nothing expected in return.

May our Christmas Memories - Present consist of both... The Here and Now & The Unmerited Gift. Have fun building special memories with your children and grandchildren this year. And, don't forget the greatest present of all... God's Son, Jesus!

Blessings From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries



And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"

Luke 2:13-14 

Christmas Memories - Past...

Christmas reminiscing. What memories pop into your head? Possibly the festive meals, the beautifully wrapped presents, or waiting up all night to hear the sleigh bells jingle on the rooftop? Maybe your thoughts linger to moments of family gatherings. My heart rests here.

In my childhood, Christmas opened the door to the family. Not just immediate family, but extended family. On my dad's side, Christmas Eve was an invitation for all the relatives to pop in. From the morning until night my grandmother's house represented a revolving door. Each year I met a new batch of cousins I had no idea existed! Then as evening approached, we all loaded up in cars and headed to my great Aunt Patsy and Uncle Bill's house to experience her "Open Door Policy." I remember the difficulty finding places to park due to the number of visitors. Warmth rises in my heart just thinking about the hugs as we walked through the door. She always hosted a variety of desserts no one could resist. Then, later in the evening we would make our way to my mom's side of the family. The moment I entered my Auntie and Uncie's home love and laughter filled the air. Oh, what memories to behold

For some, these memories aren't as pleasant and sweet. In fact, statistics shows depression rises during this time of year. Possibly, your memories consist of broken family relationships, loneliness, financial stresses, the weather, loss of a loved one, unmet expectations, and more. Please be assured God can make things different. Let Him use your story for His glory. Ask Him to help you focus your heart and mind on Kingdom purposes.

I must confess–I have fallen into the trap of thinking my house must have the "perfect" Christmas look before I invite people for dinner or a gathering. Seriously, this way of thinking is so far from my relatives mindset! They never worried if the colors totally matched or if all the tree lights worked. They just invited ALL to come. Hmm... looks like I have some things to work on myself. I will let you know how things go as I move into the season... Dear God, thank you for the example of the heart of my relatives. May I continue to pass this same tradition on the generations that follow. 

Christmas Challenge... Why does Christmas bring families together? What makes this time of year a drawing factor for relatives? How can this year be different from Christmas Memories Past? I have an idea, use this time to pray for those you only visit with once a year. Ask God to open your eyes as you  pray for these special people. God has placed you in your family for a reason. You might be the only one God silently calls to stand in the gap for these relatives. Ask the Holy Spirit to be your reminder. Pray that they know Jesus personally, as Lord and Savior. Oh, have a blessed time creating Christmas Memories Past for generations to come!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Reflective Life Ministries



Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting and His Truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:5 

Straighten up your attitude, right now.
You need to be thankful for what you have.
Please, have a thankful heart.

Do these statements ring a bell? Do you recall these words flowing from your mother's mouth? I smile just thinking about my mom's wisdom. As a child, when I displayed an ungrateful attitude she had the ability to speak through her eyes. You know what I mean? My sisters and I called it, "The Look!" We knew it was in our best interest to immediately straighten up. It's amazing how "The Look" passed from our mom to her daughters. Now as a mom, I find myself using these same facial expressions with my children. And... it works!


An ungrateful attitude affects not only the person but others. What does it mean to have a A Thankful Heart. Why not a Thankful Mouth? Or a Thankful Face?

Think about it... when someone is appreciative her words uplift, encourage and inspire others. They are evidence of a selfless and humble life. "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness - James 3:9,10.  Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing." In other words, in the same breath we can be driving along singing praise songs to God and then scream at a driver in front of us. I have experienced this more than once! My children can testify.

What sets our mouth into motion?

neath was a women in the darkness of life. Oh, I was a Christian who fell into thinking Believers couldn't be depressed and must exhibit joy at all times. Little did I know my daily mask was slowly cracking into pieces. It worked well for a few years, but as time passed the realness surfaced. Why does a mask only work for a little while?

What sets our face into motion?

As in water face reflects face, so a man's heart reveals the man. Proverbs 27:19 (NKJV)

The Lord doesn't look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Oh my, this is the answer! We are looking on the outside while God is focused on the inside. Our character is created within the heart of man. The more we love Jesus, the more we reflect Him in our conversations and our actions. As we seek His face, we become His reflection! It all begins in the heart... A Thankful Attitude reflects a Thankful Heart which affects a the face and the mouth!

Why don't we focus on a Thankful Face? I have to say I used to be one who lived behind a mask. Every morning I painted on a smile. But, under

A Thankful Heart produces...

                                     A Thankful Attitude which creates...

                                                                                       Thankful Expressions and Pleasant Words

Challenge for the Week... This Thanksgiving as you sit at the table don't focus on the delicious food, but on the love poured into preparing the feast. Appreciate those who spent hours shopping and creating the family meal. A Thankful Attitude... loves, serves, encourages, lends a hand (at the cleanup-hint, hint), and is grateful in all circumstances. In fact, write out Psalm 100:5 and use this for your Thanksgiving verse. This is a great focus verse for the Thanksgiving season! Live a life sold out to Jesus with a Thankful Attitude that says...  Life is not about me, but all about Him. 

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Reflective Life Ministries



We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. — Isaiah 64:8

Why did God create man? Theologians and scholars have debated this for centuries. What were God’s reasons for creating a being equipped not only with a physical body, but a mind, soul, reasoning ability, conscience, spirit, and free will? Why would God, who is perfect and flawless, mold a man from the dust of the earth and place him in a perfect paradise, knowing all along man would fall into sin? Digging into God’s Word and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden treasures of truth are imperative to your walk with Jesus.

To fully grasp the pottery process and compare it to God's Word, we need to understand history of the potter and the clay...

Ancient civilizations used earthenware clay to develop functional pots and platters. Traditional earthenware clay pieces were usually red, a blend of iron-rich clay compositions. Vitreous clay, such as porcelain and stoneware, was also discovered as a valuable clay medium. Pot shards revealing the story of ancient potters can be discovered across all parts of the world. Imagine digging up a centuries-old, reddish-brown clay bowl without any glaze glossing over the fingerprints of the ancient potter who created it. The impression of the potter’s hand remains on the bowl after thousands of years.

Clay is one of the most pliable and oldest art materials in the world. It is a natural decomposition of rock and one of the most abundant, inexpensive resources known to man. The creative possibilities for a lump of clay are almost endless to a skilled potter. The potter has the freedom to form the clay however he desires. He has complete control over the creation of the pot, just as God has total control over the uniqueness of each individual before conception.

In Genesis 1:27 we read, “God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” God blessed man, instructed him to multiply, and gave him authority on Earth to rule over every living thing. God entrusted man with the power to supervise things on this earth. But is this the only reason God created man — to manage His property and possessions? With a big shout I say, “No!” Digging into God's Word brings revelation. After the sixth day of creation, Genesis 1:31 tells us, “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good." It is interesting to note that after the other days of creation God said, “It was good,” but after the creation of man, His statement was, “It was very good.” The Hebrew word here for good is towb which means “to be good, pleasing, joyful, beneficial, pleasant, favorable, happy, or right.” In other words, very good actually means God was exceedingly pleased with His creation of man. Can’t you hear the love flowing from His lips?

Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? (Romans 9:21) In Greek, the word for power over is exasla, which means, "the right to act, decide, or dispose of one’s property as one wishes." The technical term is used in establishing someone’s will or testament. The Greek word for the same lump is furamatos, which means, "that which is mixed or kneaded." The potter has the right and ability to decide the outcome of whatever is mixed or kneaded. It is safe to say the difference is not found in the clay itself, but in the potter’s purpose.

Now we’re getting somewhere. God loves each one of His creations independently and personally. Is this the whole reason for the formation of mankind? Look at 1 John 4:19, “We love because He first loved us.” Think about that for a moment — God loves each one of us before we know Him. He designs each person in a specific way to accomplish His purposes and to further His kingdom. He is the Master Designer with a master plan. Personally, I would like to see an outline of my life with all the blanks filled in, wouldn’t you? Have fun this week as you discover you were Created for God, by God!

Prayer Challenge

If possible find a piece of pottery this week, either in your own home or somewhere else. Take time to examine the details, character qualities, and purpose of the vessel. Do you think the product fulfilled the potter’s design? For example, the pot may have been formed from a mixture of various red clays. You could describe it as a red vessel, but is it also red for another reason? Maybe red represented pain or agony to the potter. Perhaps you purchased a pot from an antique store because it went with the décor in your living room. Allow yourself to think back to the time it was created. Maybe a Native American created the pot as the family’s sole cooking utensil. Can you visualize a woman using it to prepare meals throughout the winter? Ask the Lord to help you see past the obvious, so you can realize a deeper spiritual truth hidden within the earthenware. Look for ways God reveals His Truths to you this week. Trust you were created for God, by God.

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries, Award-Winning Author of My Prayer Chair



Do not fear for I am with you, do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you and uphold you with my righteous right hand. ––Isaiah 41:10

Alone in the dark, an unusual noise startles you. Immediately fear invades your body. Like a lightning bolt in a storm, fear jumpstarts the nervous system into action. Has this ever happened to you? Let me set the scene…

Darkness fills the room. As you snuggle under the covers, you feel relaxed and comfortable. But your contentment is disrupted by an unusual, frightening sound. You burrow deeper into the bed like a turtle vanishing into his shell. Your imagination runs wild as you hear the noise again. This time it’s not quite so intrusive. With legs trembling, you make a dash for the light switch. The second light fills the room, a sigh of relief escapes. As you tiptoe to the window, you hear the Mission Impossible song playing in your head. You let out an even bigger sigh when you realize the mysterious noise was just a branch scraping against the windowpane.

Why, when we hear sounds in the darkness, do we experience fear? Why do we experience trembling and unrealistic thoughts? These feelings apply to spiritual darkness too. Sin creates pitch-black areas in our lives, and in turn, these create fear, guilt, anxiety, and hopelessness. Just like turning on a light replaces darkness, we can avoid spiritual darkness by running to the Light––Jesus. Believe and know He is waiting for you to fall into His arms of security!


Cuddle up in your prayer chair and memorize Isaiah 41:10, Do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you and uphold you with my righteous right hand. Write it down and strategically put it someplace to constantly remind you of the One who is our help and guide. Prayer is the key to relinquishing fear of the unknown. Ask Jesus to help you replace your fears with trust. Trust Jesus in every way, in everything!

From My Heart to Yours,

Carla McDougal

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries